Chapter one

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"Help me please" the girl croaks

"Quiet you whore!" one of the three men who are holding her down spits at her

"Why are you doing this?" she asks, tears streaming down her cheeks

"I said shut up!" the other man says and strikes her across the face making her squeak in pain. She cries harder as one of them starts to unbutton her shirt but in his drunken state he can't undo the buttons.

He growls in frustration and rips the blouse open

"No!" she screams and a hand muffles her mouth she bites down and he pulls away cussing under his breathe. Her throat burns from yelling for so long

"You bit me, you bitch" he punches her hard, making her see bright lights almost knocking her out.

One of the men unbuttons her jeans and starts to take them off when the girl gets a sudden burst of energy and jerks her knees up into his nose, he lets go off her and covers his bleeding nose with both hands.

The girl wiggles and starts kicking out trying to losen the mans hold but he holds tighter, the one remaining, the drunkest, tries to grab her legs but she kicks him away, he groans in pain when her foot connects to his mouth, he spits out blood and turns to face the poor girl

"Help!" she yells with as much energy as she can "help me!" the man she'd kicked in the mouth punches her stomach hard enough to knock the wind out of her.

She coughs in pain and tries to breathe, the man holds her legs down and all she can do is cry

"Help" she cries but no sounds comes from her mouth making her cry even harder. Who would have thought that she'd end up here, a few hours ago she had been eating with her co-workers in a restaurant nearby. She had been cautious the entire time, she had her keys ready and eyes open weary of any suspicious movement when they had appeared from behind and grabbed her.

She'd dropped her keys right then and they dragged her into an empty street with one lamp light. She had kicked and screamed, she tried everything to get them off but even if they were drunk they were by far stronger than her.

When she realized this adrenaline began to pump through her, she was not a weak person she was quite strong but the fear was stronger and she felt so weak and powerless.

After a couple of punches, biting and kicking they had managed to pin her to the floor. And here they were about to accomplish their goal.

"Stop" she mouthed once more but they had won she squeezes her eyes shut and feels her jeans being ripped off, the adrenaline begins to fade and her blood begins to pound louder and louder until it's all she can hear.

Suddenly the tight grip on her arms is gone as well as the weight of the man that had been climbing on top of her. Weakly she opens her eyes to find herself alone at least that's what she thinks, she can't lift her head due to the pain.

The sound of footsteps approaching her gets louder until they're right beside her, the person crouches beside her and touches her shoulder

"No!" she yells the action burning her throat once more she tries to turn away but the pain stops her

"It's alright I'm here to help" a soft voice says "my name is Bruce I'm a doctor" her eyes widen and her heart beats faster

"Help me" she croaks "please" she turns to the man and stares into his brown eyes searching for compassion and finding it

"I will, I live nearby so just hold on" he says and scoops her up, she cries out as his hands touch her "I'm sorry" he says and stands.

She feels him walking but doesn't have enough energy to keep her eyes open. She hears a door being opened they walk up flights of stairs and another door opens then another one and finally she's put down on a soft mattress

"I'll be right back" the man says the girl can barely manage a nod and he leaves. When he gets back she's unconscious. The man takes out bandages, alcohol, cotton balls and a stethoscope.

He takes off her shirt carefully so he doesn't harm her and looks grim as he sees her body. There are bruises everywhere of all shapes and sizes and colors, there are a few clear zones but they begin to bruise as the man cleans her few wounds.

Luckily she wasn't cut there are only scraps produced by the attack, he cleans and bandages them then he prods her skin with his fingertips making sure there's nothing broken, when he reaches the fifth pair of ribs she cries out in pain but doesn't wake up

"It might be broken" the man sighs "the hospitals too far away" he rubs his eyes from tiredness he hasn't slept in days, he softly touches the other ribs and finds nothing he goes back to the one he thinks is broken and with extreme care tries to find a fracture but finds nothing

"I hope it's just bruising" he takes off his glasses and runs his fingers through his hair "it could be a hairline fracture" he stands and grabs the phone his fingers idling over the numbers, unsure of who to call, finally he makes up his mind. Holding the phone to his ear he covers the girl with a blanket and closes the door

"Tony I need you to send me a doctor" he says quietly

"What can't call 911 by your self?" Tony mocks

"Tony this is serious" the man says

"Okay don't get your panties in a twist Banner" Tony says and hangs up

"Thanks" Banner says and plops down on the sofa. He falls asleep and wakes up to knocking on his door, he stands and opens

"Mr. Stark sent me" a redheaded woman dressed in a white lab coat, a stethoscope around her neck and a bag with a red cross on it, says

"Yeah uh this way" Banner lets her in and closes the door behind her and leads her to his bedroom "I found her weak and beaten up on the street with three men unconscious around her"

"What happened?" the doctor asks

"I don't know but judging by how I found her I'd say attempted rape" Banners soft eyes darken at what the poor girl must've gone through

"What did you find?" the doctor takes her pulse and checks her eyes with a small light and begins to prod her ribs

"Her entire torso is covered in bruises as well as her ankles, wrists and upper arms. Her fifth rib seems to be..." the girl screams in pain as the doctor touches her rib

"It's not broken which is good, probably just bruised" the doctor sighs and takes out an ointment from her bag as well as two bottles. She rubs the ointment on all her bruises and re-cleans her few scrapes

"When she wakes up give her two of these and one of these" she holds up the bottles "it'll help with the pain and if she wants she can take a x ray tomorrow, here's my card" she puts her stuff back and stand up, Banner accompanies her to the front door, after locking his it he grabs an extra blanket and a pillow and pulls the sofa into a bed. He lays down and falls asleep.

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