Part 3

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Gabby's Pov:

So today I took me a nice long shower and then I had went to call one of my bestest friends Rianna:

"Hey Girl , I just cant wait for the concert !!" Rianna had exclaimed through the phone.

"Oh yeah  I know right? its going to be amazing!!" I had told  her.

"So What was Brad Walker talking to you about earlier in the cafeteria today at school."

"umm Just that he wanted to ask me out and that but I had said I'll think about it because theres this really cute guy Louis Tomlinson that I want to ask out first when we see them behind the stage for the V.I.P treatment!!"

I Just couldnt help it but laugh. She's had a thing for Louis ever since the year 2010 and its 2014 now. Pretty crazy just how time flies, I mean I dont blame her because he is pretty cute too I mean they all are Harry, Louis, Niall, Liam and Zayn they all are attractive!! Harry is my favorite.

"I don't blame favorite is Harry I think I will ask him out for Starbucks coffee or something like that."

"Hey maybe we can go on a double date?!" Rianna had exclaimed.

"Yeah maybe..I think I'm going to get Rylee a T-shirt or something or their autograph and to follow her on Twitter too. I think shed would like that too."

"Yeah she would." Rianna had said full of confidence. "I just hope I don't make a fool out of myself or start to stutter because I do that when I get nervous."

"Yeah I know but Im sure that you will be fine!!" I had told her.

"I hope so." She had said. I just cant believe we have to wait so many weeks and months yet to go and officially meet them!" She had sighed.

"Yeah but it will be loads of fun to, I just hope nothing bad will happen while we meet up with them."

"Do you want to go hang out at the mall with me tonight around lets save 6:15p.m.?" She had asked me.

"Yeah sure thatd be fun." "Alrightie I will see ya in a bout a hour!!" I had exclaimed and I said Love you to her and she told me she loved me to in a best friend sister kind of way.

****** An hour later*****

Rianna's Pov:

"Hey Girlie!!" I had spotted her as she was walking towards me out side of the Mall of America.

"Heyy!!" She had greeted me with a hug and I had given one back to her. There were loads of people walking towards to go inside the Mall. It was always busy tonight especially because it was Karaoke night in one of the buildings. It was a cafe restaurant type of bar thing. Called The Shake Shack.

We headed towards the Shake shack and we could smell pizza and different kinds of foods that are in the mall like fries and cookies and home baked goodies and also hamburgers and just about everything and subway too!!

"Yummmy smells soo good here, Do you want to get something to eat?" I had asked her as we were going to be waited on by a server named Tamera.

"Yeah why not since we already here." She had laughed. I had chuckled at her reply because it was pretty obvious.

"Hi my name is Tamera and I will be your server tonight, would you like a  table or a booth?" She had asked us.

Gabby looked at me and we both thought the same thing and we both said "Booth," at the same time. Tamera the waitress smiled and then she placed us in a booth and somebody was singing She will be loved by Maroon Five and they were pretty good.

"Follow me," She had said and given us a smile. So we had followed her where she sat us in a booth and she said "would you like anything to drink we have all coke products."

"Umm I will have a pepsi with ice please." Gabby had said.

"I will also have a chocolate shake and Pepsi." I had told her. Gabby couldnt have shakes because she was allergic to milk the lactos part of the milk. And then she just smiled.

"I'll be right with you." Tamera had said as she had went to get our drinks.

"This is one of my favorite places to come and hang out with you and Rylee!" Gabby had told me.

"Yeah mine too, I can't wait to eat because I am starvin marvin!!" I had told her.

"what do you think you will be getting?"

"Ummm probably mac and cheese and pizza or just the buffet so I can have both." Gabby had giggled.

"Yummy that sounds good, I think I'm going to have the buffet too and order a burger and fries to go for later for lunch time tomorrow." I had told her my stomach feeling hungry.

Then Tamera had brought us our drinks 2 pepsi and 1 chocolate shake.

"Would you like a few minutes to decide?" She had asked us as she had smiled.

"Umm we know what we want thanks, I will have the buffet and a cheese burger with ketchup only and a container of fries to go please." I had told her and she had scribbled on paper what our orders were.

"Okay, how about you Ms?" She had asked Gabby.

"I will have the buffet and a large pizza to go." "Alrightie, and a large pizza to go." Tamera had said to herself as she had scribbled it down on her note pad.

The announcer had asked "Whose wants to go next?" He had said he  had a accent and he was very tall with black hair and he was really muscular looking. He must work out. I thought to myself. "How about you Gabbs? Your a great singer!" I had told her to encourage her.

"Umm okay I guess."

"Yay!! Go Gabby!!"

"I will volunteer to sing!" She had gotten  up out of her seat and then the announcer guy named Andrew had said "Give it up for...whats your name love?" He had asked Gabby.


"Give it up for Gabby!!" Andrew had said. The crowd had cheered. "What song would you like to sing?" Gabby had whispered what she wanted to sing and then the music was on and she had decided to sing "Only hope," By Switch Foot and it is also sung by Mandy Moore. (Really great song by both artist)

When Gabby started to sing it had gotten quite and somebody had said "Wow her voice is just like an angel." Someone had commented on her singing.

A few minutes had went  by and the last line she said was "I know now your my only hope."

It was just beautiful everybody had cheered for her. So she had taken a bow and sat back down to the booth. 

We had to wait another 15 minutes for the pizza and hamburgers and fries to cook and then we just helped ourselves to the buffet and ate. "You sing so beautiful just like an angel. Just wait til harry hears you sing." I had teased  her.

"God...your going to make my face red!" She had said as she had blushed of embarrassment.

We went back in our tables and decided to eat the food while it was still hot but of course we had to blow on it first to cool down and thankfully cold drinks help it cool down when you eat it and take a drink at the same time. In between bites we just talked about if we were going to end up in a relationship with our favs from 1D or not and then we just talked about other stuff like school and our crushes in general. The cheesy girl stuff. Soon Tamera had came with our take out food orders and we placed them aside on the opposite side of the table. Somebody had said "They sure do eat alot for being small little girls." I had over heard them. I did feel a little embarrassed but it was from an elderly lady and she was a bit over weight, she probably had health problems and probably was just jealous of us of how we were eating. So I just ignored it and smiled. After we were done we payed our food and gave the waitress 13 dollar in tip. And thanked her and then we both headed back home. It was about 9:15p.m. by the time we both got home. It was late.

Harry Styles and Demi Lovato story The  Worst and Best days  By NaestylesWhere stories live. Discover now