Deep Shit

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Blaze POV

"Give me my body back, you she devil" Jessie hissed at me. "All shut up, we're about to have some fun right after I get us feed" I said evilly.......

Walking into the school, I totally forgot I have no idea where I'm going. "what class do we have, right now?" I asked Jessie... "I'm not telling you shit" Jessie said... "It's fine by me, I'll just go to the first class I see" I replied back with a smirk...

Just as I was beginning to walk, to find a class to go to I heard someone say

"Hey you get to class now! or I'm sending you to the main office!" a man that looked like he's in his mid 40s and let's now forget a ugly 40 year old too, he's nearly bald. Being told what to do got me angry and yelled at got me pissed. I slowly turned around, as my anger started to build up. I stalk towards him like a tiger would do its prey, my eyes started turning more red then blue. I roughly pushed the man against the wall, and said low and deadly tone of voice "if you ever yell or tell me what to do again, I will rip you heart out and ea...." Before I got to finish my threat someone wrapped their arms around my wrest and I quickly became calm.

I turn around, still in the person arms. I looked up at his face, and the first thing I thought was "I'm in deep shit now".....

Nick held me close to his chest.

"O yah the sex god from last night found us. Let have some fun and run" Jessie said in my head evilly... "finally you join the dark side" I said while turning around and running out of Nicks arms.

"Blaze get back here!!" Nick yelled..."NEVER!!!" I yelled back while laughing my ass off. But that didn't last for long, as I run into someone.

"Watch where you’re going BITCH!!" I yelled at the person, even though I run in to them I didn't care."What you say to me" the boy said sounding very amused... "Are you deaf or just dumb" I said finally looking up at who I was talking to. "will shit, I'm in more trouble than before" I said out loud to myself.......



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