chapter 2

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Jessie POV

"We're thirst" a female voice said inside my head

"And who the hell are you" I said out loud

"It doesn't matter who I am right now, just relax your body and let me do all the work" the voice snapped at me

"Who the hell does this bitch thinks she's talking to" I thought to myself

"I can fucking hear you, just do as I say" the voice said

"Make me" I said cockily while putting my hands on my hips to make a point that I’m not doing anything she says.

out of nowhere my body started shaking, I tried to move my legs but couldn't, I tried to move my arms but I couldn't, then my body started moving on its own.

"What the fuck, No! Stop!...Sit!..Down!...Heal!... I yell trying to command my body to do what I say, but it didn't.

"Calm down, we're just doing to find someone to drink" the voice said like she was talking about the whether

"Someone to drink? Does this look like twilight to you? This is the real world dumb ass!

"You going to be the dumb ass, when I prove your ass wrong and by the way my name is Blaze not the voice" Blaze said.

"Yah whatever"


Where now in front of a night club called vamps. There was a long line of people waiting to get in, but Blaze just walked right in not even looking at the two guards at the door. "Wow isn’t you a badass!" I said to her while laughing. "You have no idea" she said.

We walked into the dark club that had flashing lights, people where dance, making out, and nearly having sex on the dance floor! "OMG we're going to get raped, I can see it now, me losing my V-card to one of these sexy, handsome looking men."

"O please you’re far from a virgin" Blaze said

"Shh don't put my business out like that" I whisper to her.

"We're not even talking out loud" she said

"O yah I forgot"

Blaze walk to the dance floor "Omg I don't know how to dance!" I said

"You not the one that’s going to be dancing I am" Blaze said

"Ok good and why are we dancing?"

"We're dancing so we can get the attention of a male, so we can feed off of him" Blaze said


She didn't answer me, she just begins to dance sexily, and her moves were graceful, smooth, sharp, elegant and flawless. I can feel eyes burning into my back, but she didn't care, she just kept dancing. Not even 10 mine into the dance someone grabbed my hips and pulled me into his lower body. Blaze then started grinding on him and that when the burning in my throat came back full focus. Blaze quickly turned around, and wrapped her arms around his neck and whispered into his ear "don't fight me, hold still, and don't make a sound"

"What hell are you doing?!!" I yelled

"I told you we're thirst, but not thirst for water but for blood" she said evilly while biting into the guys.

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