chapter 1

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"Bye Jessie! I got to get home before its gets late!"

"Ok Faith, see you tomorrow" Jessie said as Faith walked away...

The sun had already set, the air was warm. Jessie was only about 10 minute away from her home, when she started to get the feeling that someone was following her. Jessie pace increase she did not want to know what was behind her. Her breath swirled in the warm wind in tiny wisps. All she could hear was her foot steps and her thudding heart beat. She stopped, and slowly turned around to come face to face with a tall, slim, pale man, she would had consider him beautiful if it wasn't for the wicked evil smile that was on his smooth face and for the all black clothing he had on.

Jessie reacted quick and made a Sharpe turn, but luck was not on her side.

She turned into an ally with a dead end. "FUCK!!!!" Jessie said out loud; mad at herself for reacting and not thinking. "I love a chase sweet pea" a deep voice said behind her, making her jump and her heart beating fast and loud against her chest. She tried to make a quick run for it, but she was not quick enough as in the matter of seconds the man arms was snaked around her, and roughly pushed her up against the ally dirty brick wall. "Let go of me!!" Jessie yelled at the man, hoping someone outside of the ally would hear her cries for help."No can do sweet pea" the man said lowly into her right ear, his cold breath nipping at her skin making her shiver.

Slowly the strange man licked up Jessie neck. Loving the taste of her skin on his tongue. Her blood smelled sweet to him and that is usual for a human blood to taste sweet, it usually smelled salty and bitter.

Jessie POV

"It will all be over soon" the man whispers into my ear. He bit down onto my neck. "O hell no I am not sweet for this shit, if I die I'm dying fighting" I thought to myself as I reached into my back pocket, getting the wooden pencil that I kept in there from earlier in the day and stabbed him in the middle of his back. He quickly let go of me and tried to get the pencil out of his back, but with no time to waste I quickly picked up a brick and slammed it against his head twice. Knocking him out cold..."HA! Bitch!!" I said as I did my happy dance, but my happiness didn't last for long as I started to feel light headed from the lost of blood. "What kind of drug was this guy on, he really took this vampire shit to far" I thought to myself as I started to walk out of the ally but only making it to the street, when I started to feel this burning sinuses in my neck, I bit my tongue to keep from screaming.The first things that I thought was that basted giving me some type of disease and that I have to get far away from this ally as I can. I started to run as far as can until the pain in my neck, trailed to the rest of my body and let me out an ear piercing scream while falling to the ground near the woods that surrounded our town so I started crawling towards the woods to hide from the crazy man from the ally. The pain became too much to bare, I gladly give into the darkness.


I woke up feeling much better, now that I think about it, I feel great, I can see much better than before. The moon was high in the high so I guess I was out cold for awhile. I gotten up from the ground, and started to make my way home, when my throat started burning like it was fire. "What the hell is happening to me" I thought to myself.

"We're thirsty" a female voice said to me.

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