Thank You/Q&A

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So book one has come to an end, and I'm sure no one is too happy about that cliffhanger!  I just want to tell each and every one of you a big 'Thank You' and wish I could hug every single one of you!  Everyone that comments, votes, and even just reads this book mean so much to me!  I have been asked questions about this book so here it goes I guess!

Where did you get this idea?

I wanted my plot to be different, so I thought of different events in which a child could lose their family. One of my friends lost her house to a fire and almost lost her mother and she always considered herself very lucky, but what if someone wasn't so lucky? That's how I came up with the idea for Genesis and Stella.

Didn't Genesis have a different name?

Yes, her name was originally Jackie. However the name Genesis had more meaning than Jackie did. The meaning of Genesis is 'the beginning' and this was the beginning of the girl's new life.

Why did Tori get added to the family?

I am part of an online group, Students Against Child Abuse, and we campaign to end child abuse and spread awareness. I added her because there is hope for abused children.

Is Genesis anything like you?

Totally! I love country music, dance, acting, and singing.

Is this going to be a trilogy?

Potentially, I have a lot of ideas!


I'm not sure how I thought of it, it came to me one night and I saved it in my notes for this book finale cliffhanger.

Was the part about Miranda Lambert going to play a bigger part?

No, it was always going to be where Genesis was just Genesis. Nobody else.

Has any of this actually happened to you?

Honestly, I wish. The only two things in this book that has happened to me was that I went to Disney world and was on a stage production in my Freshmen year of high school.

Any big plans for book two, and books to come?

Tons!!! And I'm always accepting suggestions!

How much do you love your fans?

It's crazy to think that people call themselves 'fans' of my writing! I consider them more of my friends than my fans honestly. I'm so grateful for every single person that has read, voted, and commented on this book. Also should we have a 'fanbase name'? Comment your suggestions!

Again, I love every single person that has read, commented, and voted on any part of this story!  You all mean the world to me and I hope you are pumped up for Book 2!  I'll announce it on this book and my profile when it comes out!

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