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Jen was driving me to the dance-gymnastics studio that Chloe and Tessa were talking about.  Over the course of the school week we became the bestest friends ever!  They showed me how to do some dance moves in the grass on the playground and now, that's all we do!  We dance and do gymnastics every single day.  Tessa almost got in trouble for doing an aerial in the hallway, but she got out of the punishment since she landed it.  Apparently, Miss Parish has a daughter that's sixteen named Kaitlyn who does gymnastics at a professional gym.

"Do you want me to stay?" Jen asked.  I was a little nervous to do all these moves, but I knew Chloe and Tessa would help me.  But I kinda wanted Jen to stay.  Just in case something happened!  "Could you?" I asked timidly.  "Sure!  I'd love to.  Jena is hanging out with Stella, I'll stay." she said happily.  I think she wanted to stay and watch.  "Alright we should be there in a few minutes." Jen said as she looked around for the gym.

I looked at what I was wearing.  Tessa said that it was like what she wore a sports bra with matching shorts and bow.  Chloe let me borrow one of her extra pairs of cheer shoes since we wore the same size.  We weren't cheering, but she said that it was a good idea to have them if we started working on dance stuff.  We were probably gonna do gymnastics stuff though.  Tessa said she would show me how to do a back-bend kick over!

"Here we are.  California Horizon Gymnastics and Dance Academy." Jen said as she read the studio name.  I got a couple butterflies.  I was excited.  I saw Tessa and Chloe standing outside the doors with Tessa's mom as we pulled in.  Jen found her parking spot and parked the car.  When we came out Jen kept her sunglasses handy.  "Hey G!" Chloe said as we group hugged.  "Hi Miss Lawrence, I'm Tessa's mom, Raina." she said.  "Hi Raina, please call me Jen." Jen told Raina as they shook hands.  "Come on guys!  Let's go!" Tessa encouraged.

"Alright let's go." Raina said.  Tessa and Chloe had totally by-passed the whole Jennifer Lawrence thing.  I was kinda happy about that.  "Come on, if we hurry we can start on floor and stretch.  Then we can start working on tricks and stuff." Chloe said.  We signed in to the registry and went back to the gym. OMG it was huge!  There were beams, bars, vaults, trampolines, and a huge floor space.  Along the walls were mirrors and barres for dance and stuff.  "You can leave the shoes there.  We don't need them right now." Chloe said as we set down our bags.

We skipped over to the floor and sat down on the edge.  "I wanna be the instructor!" Tessa called out.  She sat in front of Chloe and I and we went through the stretches.  Of course she was a total loon about it.  She kept making faces while we stretched and said the stretches in funny accents.  "Alright now that we are all limber, let's start with some moves!" Tessa said excitedly.  "I don't really know much more than what you guys showed me at recess." I said.  "It's fine, you know the basics.  Everything is built off the basics." Chloe said.  "Yeah, and we'll just do floor and trampoline so you don't have to worry about all the big equipment.  It's really scary the first time." Tessa said.

"So what first?  Wanna try the back-bend kick over?" Tessa asked.  "Yeah!" I said excitedly.  That was one of the tricks I was really looking forward to.  "Okay so your gonna do a back-bend, and then just pick your foot up to balance.  When you get the hang of that, we can kick over." Chloe said.  I nodded and we started doing our back-bends.  Within no time I learned how to do the kick over.  Balance came easy from the other sports I had done in the past, then kicking over was no problem.  We eventually got so good, that it turned into a back walk over.  It's not a whole lot different, except that it is one continuous move.  

Then we practiced different cart wheels.  I went from cart wheel, to one handed, to an aerial in about twenty minutes.  Chloe's jaw dropped the first time I did it.  "Dude!  It took me forever to do my first aerial!  Your like a natural!" she giggled.  I smiled and did it again.  When we took a water break, Jen said that she saw my moves and that I was doing really good.  I thanked her and followed Tessa and Chloe back out to the floor.  We did hand stands and head stands for a little while just for fun.  We kept on making faces in the mirrors as we did our hand stands and whoever laughed first had to do five push ups.

We eventually went to the trampolines to do different jumps.  Oh my gosh they were so fun!  I loved jumping on any trampoline and with my flexibility, they came easy.  We did split jumps, pike jumps, and straddle jumps.  When we got bored with that we started doing the back walk overs on the trampoline.  Well I was.  Tessa and Chloe were doing much more advanced stuff!  After an hour on there, we were dog tired.  We got a water break and saw that the open gym was gonna close in ten minutes.

"You guys should stay the night at my house!" Tessa said excitedly.  "We don'y have anything with us Tess." Chloe said.  "So, you guys can borrow my clothes and give them back at school Monday.  Come on it would be fun!" Tessa pleaded.  "You should probably ask your mom first." I told her.  "Oh yeah, duh!" she said and ran over to Raina.  Tessa came back and said, "She said yes!  Text your mom Chloe."  Chloe texted her mom and I ran over to Jen.  "Jen, can I sleepover at Tessa's house?  Raina said it was okay!" I pleaded with Tessa at my side.

Well...if Raina said it was can stay." Jen said.  I threw my arms around her in a hug.  "Thank you so much Jen!" I said happily.  We went back to Chloe who had a smile on her face.  "My mom said it was okay!" she said happily.  We all squealed in delight and group hugged.  "Well, if your all staying the night, how about we go get pizza?" Raina asked.  "Mom, we don't have any shirts!" Tessa said laughing as she pointed to us in our shorts and sports bras.  "You know I keep at least five sweatshirts in the van." Raina said.

"Alright, well I'm gonna go.  Thank you Raina.  Genesis, behave yourself.  I can come get you tomorrow around one o'clock." Jen said.  We hugged goodbye and she left.  Then Tessa, Chloe, and I all piled into Raina's van, and she was right.  Raina had four sweatshirts in the car with her.  I got one that had the gymnastics studio logo on it.  "Alright ladies, let's go get pizza and then we can stop at the Redbox for a couple movies.  And you guys can do your nails and make popcorn at home.  Sound good?" Raina asked from the front seat.  We were all lined up in the back seats and said yes.  We were all so giggly about tonight.  This was gonna be the best sleepover ever!  

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