Home Is Where Your Heart Is

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Jen's POV

It was about a week when I got Genesis a guitar and karaoke machine.  She didn't want to accept it, but I knew that when I left her room, that she was in love with them.  I almost had to pry her away from learning the guitar to eat her dinner.  She was trying to learn how to write her own music right now.  She was up until 9:45 pm last night, way past her bedtime, to learn all the chords.  She had an ear for music.  And she learned fast!  She said that she never had considered singing or writing music, but I knew that she was loving it.

"Jen!"she yelled happily from the top of the stairs.  I was downstairs looking at red carpet dresses, while Stella was sleeping.  "What sweetie?" I asked as came up the stairs.  "I finished the song!" she said happily.  "You finished it?  You started like two hours ago!" I said in surprise.  "I know, but I tried really hard and I finished it!" she said happily.  "Well then this calls for a celebration!  How about tonight we get some of the cast over here, and you give your song a debut?" I ask.  "Yeah!  That would be awesome!" she said happily.

"Wanna come down and help pick out a red carpet dress or two?" I asked.  "Yeah sure!" she said and followed me down the stairs.  I only had one chair at the computer desk, so she ended up sitting in my lap.  I went to our designer's website and looked through the dresses marked 'Girls 10-12'.  "What do you like Gen?" I asked her.  I scrolled through the page slowly so she could look at each of them.  "Wait." she said and she moved the mouse to a picture of a girl wearing a straight gold sequined dress with white tights and gold flats.

"That one." she said smiling.  "That'll look very pretty on you." I said as I did a little ordering.  "Alright, so we have to go to the first LA premier on the first of November.  So we have exactly one month.  Speaking of which, we need to get you enrolled in school.  But right now, I'm gonna go call the cast, and they will be here shortly.  Now go have fun." I said as Genesis got up.  She ran up to her room and closed her door.  I could hear her strumming the guitar and singing along to the words she wrote.


Genesis' POV

It was almost time for the Catching Fire cast to come.  I had changed out of my yoga pants and t-shirt a few hours ago and was know wearing my pink flowing tank top, my ombre jean shorts, my blue floral print Vans, and stacked some bracelets on my wrist.  I left my brown hair down and decided to ask Jen if she could do my hair.  It was about 5:15 and the cast was coming around 5:45.  So I had a half hour.  Jen said she was going to order a couple pizzas and we could have our only little 'music fest'.

I loved the guitar that Jen got me.  I had my lucky pick, even though I only had it for like a day and a half.  I stayed up really late to finish learning all the chords and then this morning I wrote my first song, 'Home is Where Your Heart is'.  I was excited to show everyone the song.  I went downstairs to where Jen was.  She was putting her own hair up in a bun.  Stella was next to her watching the show 'Jessie'.

"Hey Jen?  Can you do my hair?  Anything with it?" I asked.  "Sure!  Come here." she said.  I sat down in front of her and handed her the couple of hair ties and bobby pins I grabbed, along with my black hair brush.  She brushed my hair out and hummed to herself.  then I could feel her braid my hair straight down and then she pulled it up into a bun.  She used the bobby pins to hold it together and finished by saying, "There, perfect!" 

"Thanks!" I said as the doorbell rang.  I jumped up and ran to get it.  "It's Josh!" I heard form the other side of the door.  "Hi!" I said excitedly.  "There she is!  Miss Genesis the musician." Josh said.  I pretended to brush my hair off my shoulder, even though it was in a bun, and said "Who me?"  Liam, Jena, and Willow were behind them.  "Hey cutie!" Jena said as she hugged me.  "Liz and Woody are gonna be here soon." Willow said as everyone came in.

Shortly after, Liz and Woody came along with the pizza guy.  Jen paid the pizza guy, even though Woody and Josh tried to insist and pay for it.  "Alright, now before we eat, Genesis has wrote her very first song, in one day might I add, and would love to sing it for us!" Jen said.  I ran upstairs and got my guitar and the music for it.  I came back down and everyone was sitting and waiting for me.  I sat down in the open leather chair and propped the music up so I could see it.  

"This song is called 'Home is Where Your Heart is'.  I hope you enjoy it!" I said and everyone applauded before I even started.  That made me giggle as I checked my guitar before starting.  I started strumming and then started singing...

"Traffic signs and city lights.  You left the simple life for the big time.  You and me: Thelma, Louise.  Just wish I could follow you on this ride.  But I know, you gotta go and chase that light.  We left marks all over this town.  Won't be the same without you around.  But you got big ol' dreams to finish what you started.  You hit the Highway 45, to figure out this crazy life.  But letting you go will always be the hardest, cause home is where your heart is!"

"You saved the day.  My first heartbreak.  Your shoulder to cry on was my saving grace.  You taught me everything, bout life and love and getting past those growing pains.  We left marks all over this town. Won't be the same without you around. But you got big ol' dreams to finish what you started. You hit the Highway 45, to figure out this crazy life. But letting you go will always be the hardest, cause home is where your heart is! Home is where your heart is!"

"We left marks all over this town, and I'll be waiting here when you come back around.  We left marks all over this town. Won't be the same without you around. But you got big ol' dreams to finish what you started. You hit the Highway 45, to figure out this crazy life. But letting you go will always be the hardest, cause home is where your heart is! Home is where your heart is!"

I finished the song and strummed the last note on my guitar.  "OMG!" Willow shrieked as she ran over to hug me.  The room was filled with applause and people saying things like "Oh My God!" "Your so talented."  "You wrote that in less than a day?"  "You should record that!" and  "Your an amazing singer!"  I was smiling at all the nice things they said.  I was learning to love singing more and more as I did it.  I think getting the guitar was also a contributing factor.  I would have to remind my self to tell Jen that I loved her tonight when I went to sleep.

When Love Takes You In (Jennifer Lawrence)Where stories live. Discover now