School Sign-Ups

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Genesis' POV

"Genesis, Josh is gonna take you to see your school.  I'm taking Stella, alright?" Jen said as we got ready for the day.  "Okay, when is he gonna be here?" I asked.  "Already here!" I heard at the door.  Josh had opened the door and let himself in.  "Okay, I'm gonna got get ready!" I said, running up the stairs.  I was still in my pajamas, so I had to change still.  Hey, it was 9:30 in the morning!  I only woke up about an hour ago.  Plus, it was summer!  I should get to lounge around in my pajamas, but when you have school sign ups, you have to look presentable.

I got a pair of jean shorts, my fancy light blue top and my gray slip on shoes.  I grabbed the iPod that Jen gave me and stuck it in my pocket.  We were gonna ride Josh's motorcycle there, so I put on my sunglasses.  I went down stairs and saw Josh talking to Stella as Jen packed our backpacks.  It wasn't the first day of school, but it was in a few days.  So Jen was packing our bags for the first day.  "You ready Gen?" Josh asked.  "Your gonna need a new nickname.  Every time someone says that I think they're talking to me!" Jen said laughing.  I laughed to and pretended to be in deep thought of a new nickname while tapping my chin.

"Alright well we are gonna go.  Bye guys!  Have a good day Stella!" Josh said hugging my little sister.  Then Stella came and hugged my leg as I tried to leave.  When she detached herself, I left with Josh and I got on the back of his motorcycle.  "Helmet." he said as he handed me a white riding helmet.  I put the helmet over my brown hair and then put on my sunglasses.  Josh started the motorcycle and pulled out of the driveway.  Stella waved to us from the window and I waved back to her.

We were flying down the streets and roads.  I loved feeling the wind on my face.  I was clutching on to Josh with all my might.  I was a little scared of motorcycles, but I felt safe with Josh.  "Little tight there Genny?" he asked.  "Just a little nervous." I giggled.  "Don't worry, we're almost there." he said.  After five minutes we pulled into the parking lot of a big school.  Two floors!  It said on the sign, 'Los Angeles Elementary School-Grades K to 5-Home of the Wolves'.  Cool this was gonna be a cool school mascot!  I loved wolves!

"Good morning Genesis.  First of all may I say, you have a beautiful name.  Second of all, welcome to LA Elementary, home of the Wolves!" said the admissions officer.  "Thank you!  It means, the new beginning.  Which I am starting to see is very true." I said smiling.  "You must be Mr. Hutcherson.  Here to walk around with Miss Genesis?" the admissions officer said.  Josh nodded.  "Well, I am Riley Smith.  Very glad to have you attending our school in five short days!  Enjoying your summer?" she asked.  "Yes, Ma'am." I said nodding.  "Please, Mrs. Smith." she said.

"Alright, so let's do a little paperwork for you Genesis.  You just need to fill out this paper so your teacher will know everything she would need to know about you." Mrs. Smith said.  I was a little nervous as I looked at the questions.  Anything you would like your teacher to know?  Parent's names?  Role Model? Dream Job?  Favorite classes?  I was a little nervous, but I answered them all honestly. 

I would like my teacher to know that my parents died and I was adopted by Jennifer Lawrence.  I wrote 'Ditto' for the parent's name question. My role model was the actress Stana Katic.  She played Kate Beckett on the crime show 'Castle'.  I actually got to meet them since my dad was a TV show journalist.  She is seriously cool and funny!  My dream job was to be a professional soccer player and go to the Olympics.  My favorite classes were reading and gym.  

Mrs. Smith led us all around the school.  She showed me to my classroom, room 45.  She said my teacher was Miss Parish.  I was excited to meet Miss Parish, but she wasn't there.  I was showed the Art room, the Gym, Life Skills, Music, the Lunch room, and my favorite room: the Library!  That library was huge!  I love reading, so this was my favorite room.  There were book filled stacks and shelves, so many genres and authors!  But I did also love the music room.

"Well Miss Genesis, that is all to our tour.  Do you have any questions?" Mrs. Smith asked.  I shook my head.  "Well, then in that case, I hope you have a good rest of the summer." she said shaking my hand.  As I left Josh said, "So how would you feel about getting ice cream?" I giggled.  "For breakfast?" I asked.  "Yeah, duh!" Josh said.  "We have ice cream at home, we can make monster sundaes with Jen and Stella!" I said, liking this idea more.  "Good call, let's go kid." Josh said.

When we got home, Jen and Stella were already back from Stella's preschool.  "How'd it go?" Jen asked as we came in.  "Good, that place looks awesome!" I said.  "Well, I think that this calls for celebratory breakfast sundaes!" Jen said.  "That's what I was thinking babe!" Josh said.  "Babe?" Stella asked.  "Oh, yeah.  Guys, we're dating.  Should have told you a little earlier.  Expect to see a lot of this weirdo." Jen laughed.  "Cool!" I said.  I liked Josh, he was funny and cool.  Stella liked him too.  I could tell by the way she jumped on his back and he gave her a piggy-back ride before giving Jen a kiss.

"Come here G!" Jen said as she lifted me up over her head.  I laughed as she spun me around in the air.  "Wow, you are light!" she said as she set me back down.  "I love you Jen!" I whispered in her ear.  "I love you too Genny." she said as she kissed my cheek.  "Okay now come on guys, ice cream!" Josh yelled as he brought out four bowls and two cartons of ice cream.  "For bweakfast?" Stella asked with a look of surprise on her face.  "Of course baby!" Jen said as she started dishing out.  "Oh by the way, Genesis, I have something to show you when we are done!" Jen said all giddy.  I smiled, excited for what it could be.

I love everyone with me.  Jen, Josh, Stella.  I couldn't ask for a better adoptive family.

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