Girl vs Girls

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Genesis' POV

I was so excited for tonight.  Chloe and Jamie were coming over for a sleepover and we had it planned to be awesome.  We had decided to do a  glow theme.  Yeah it was just the three of us, but it was still a party for us.  Jamie knew how to make glow in the dark balloons and I had glowing nail polish.  Chloe had decided to bring her light up pillow and her neon bedding to help brighten it up more.  We even decided to allow Stella and Tori join in on the party, since they were pretty much guests by default.

"Genny!  When is Chloe and Jamie coming?" Tori asked.  "One hour." I said as I went back to finishing my homework.  I feel that they were more excited about my friends coming over than I was.  "Ugh!  But we're ready to have fun!" Stella said and the outfits were revealed.  These two were really dressing for occasion, you could call it.

Stella had on a neon pink t-shirt dress and her zebra leggings and the matching headband.  Tori was wearing her bright green tutu and her silver sparkly t-shirt.  "Guys, you realize we aren't going anywhere right?" I asked.  "Yeah!  But it's a colorful party and this is colorful!" Tori said.  I rolled my eyes sarcastically.  It wasn't even a 'party' really.  I had two of my friends staying the night, that was all really.

The hour passed and Grandpa Lawrence had ordered three pizzas.  We could take two pizzas into the basement, where we would be sleeping for the night.  I had already stocked the fridge/freezer down there with pop, ice cream, cupcakes, and we also were planning on having a ton of candy and popcorn.  "Genesis!  Your friends are here!" Grandma Lawrence yelled from downstairs.  I sprang up and teased with my hair a little bit before going down.

"Hey guys!" I said happily as I opened the door.  They came in and we hugged.  Jamie said she had been ready for a while, but waited till Chloe came up so she wouldn't look so eager.  "Alright well the party's in the basement.  Grandma, Grandpa, we'll be down there if you need us!" I said as I took them down the hallway to the basement.  "I bet Tori and Stella are already down there too.  My guests by default." I giggled.

We went downstairs and suprisingly Tori and Stella weren't down there.  Yet.  "Okay, let's get this color party going on!" Chloe said.  We spread out her neon blankets and sheets.  I had brought down my bright pink pillows and my fuzzy yellow blanket and threw them on the couch.  "So what movie do you guys wanna watch?" I asked.  "How about Despicable Me 2?" Jamie suggested as she showed her DVD copy.  "Good with me!" Chloe and I both said as I put the movie in the DVD player.

"Okay guys, so mega super duper important news!" I said as the previews started.  "Shoot girl!" Jamie said.  "So before we start doing our hair and nails, guess what?" I teased.  "Are you the secret solo at dance?" Chloe questioned.  "No.  Way cooler.  I am going to be a cast member on the crime-drama show 'Castle'!" I screamed.  They both screamed with me and tackled me with a hug.  "My sister watch that show all the time!  It's so good!  It's gonna be even better now that you're gonna be on the show!" Chloe squealed.

Stella and Tori came down to the basement to eat and watch the movie with us after we had our fangirl freak-out session.  The movie was really funny, and the minions are so my favorite!  I was doing Tori's nails while Chloe did my hair.  Jamie was painting her nails and had let Stella play with her hair.  Stella may be only four, but she knows how to do hair like a tiny boss.

When the movie ended my iPod light up with a Face Time request, but it wasn't from my mom.  It was from Tessa.  I answered, wondering what she was up to.  "Hey Gen-Gen!" Tessa said as our faces appeared on the screen.  "Who is it?" Chloe asked.  "It's Tessa.  Hey Tess." I said.  "So what's going on?" she asked.  "Oh I'm chillin in my basement with the girls.  My sisters, Chloe, and Jamie." I answered.

"Oh, that's right.  You had a sleepover and I couldn't go." she said, making it sound like it was my fault she had dance.  "You had dance.  I'm sorry." I said as I tilted my head back for Stella to run a brush through my hair.  "No I lied about that because I thought you were lying about inviting Jamie!  She's not one of us, Gen." Tessa remarked.  Jamie turned her attention to me and looked really hurt.

"Tessa.  She's sitting right here.  Could you knock it off?  You're being really mean." I said.  "Yeah, and what do you mean, 'not one of us'?  Jamie's cool!" Chloe said leaning into the video.  "So now your on the 'loser girl team' too?  I thought you were my besties!" Tessa yelled.  I saw Jamie getting more and more upset by the minute.  "Tessa quit it!  You're being a jerk!  Jamie is awesome!" I said smiling at Jamie.  Proving to her that I was on 'The Awesome Girl Team'.

"You're the jerk Gen!  You invite her, knowing that we've been best friends longer." Tessa snapped.  "Well now I'm starting to rethink being your friend.  You're being really mean!" I yelled.  "Yeah.  And Jamie is a lot less rude, judgmental, and bossy than you." Chloe said.  "Whatever!  You guys are so lame!  Have fun sitting at lunch alone!" Tessa yelled.  And after that she hung up.  We all looked at each other in shock.

"She does realize, that she would be the alone one right?  There's three of us and one of her." Jamie said grinning.  "Yeah.  Tessa's also a little air-headed." Chloe said as she finished doing a bow-bun on Tori's head.  "Hey, wanna know what we could do?" I suggested.  They both leaned in and listened.  "My Grandma was gonna take us shopping tomorrow, we could all get matching outfits.  Tessa would see that we're gonna be friends no matter what.  After that she'll get off her high horse, apologize, and instead of a trio we would become a quartet!" I suggested.

"I like it!" they both said nodding.  I didn't want to stop being friends with Tessa, but I wanted her to stop excluding or ignoring Jamie.  We were gonna be friends, and whether Tessa wanted to join us or not, was completely up to her.


Oh snap!

I needed to add a little mini-drama to this because come on, little too sweet if nothing happened.  Tell me what you think is gonna happen in the comments, don't forget to vote, and if you are not already following me, please do so!  I love you!  Bye!

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