Broken Thoughts

338 17 3

Genesis' POV

I slowly let my eyes flutter open with a pounding in my head.  White.  White everywhere.  I turned my head and could see mom leaned over with her head in her hands.  "Mom?" I whimpered.  "Oh, baby!  You're awake!" she whispered.  She cried as she wrapped her arms around me.  Careful not to hurt me anymore.  "We got hit." I cried into her.  "I know.  You're okay now." she told me.  "What happened to me?" I asked.  "Well you have a pretty bad concussion.  That's all though.  Nothing my girl can't tough out."  Mom told me as she rubbed my shoulder What about everyone else?  Were they alright?

"What about Tessa, Chloe, and her mom?" I asked.  "Chloe and her mom are alright." mom told me.  "What about Tessa?" I asked.  I started to get worried when Mom bit her lip and didn't answer.  "Mama?  What happened to Tessa?" I whimpered, but demanded.  "Genny, sweetie..." she said slowly.  "Is she dead?" I asked, ready to cry.  I couldn't lose another person in my life.  

"No, no, no.  Tessa isn't dead.  But, she took the most of the impact.  She hit her head and got beat up pretty badly.  She had a CAT scan and they found something." Mom said.  "What?" I asked as I looked down.  "As a result of the accident, Tessa has some brain damage.  It's like she has amnesia times ten.  She can barely remember anything.  She knows how to breathe, eat, go to the bathroom, and can try to walk." mom said as her lip trembled.

I let my face fall into my hands.  It was my fault.  I should have sat on the other side!  All I had was a concussion.  Tessa has brain damage!  "It isn't fair.  What did Tessa ever do?!" I yelled.  "Sweetie, it's late.  You don't wanna wake up the other patients around you." Mom said as she 'shh-ed' me.  I cried into her shoulder as she rubbed circles on my back.  I was heart broken.  Why Tessa? 

"When can I see her?" I questioned.  "Sweetie, she doesn't remember anyone.  You can see her, but it would probably scare her. " Mom told me.  "I'll wait.  Will she ever get her memory back?" I asked.  "Gradually she'll start to become more familiarized with things and remember things, but sweetie, brain takes a long time to recover from.  The doctor said it would probably take somewhere around six to eight months before she is back to herself for the most part." she said.

My breathing became shaky.  I was shuddering.  Poor, Tessa.  I wanted to get out of here.  I can't be around all this sadness.  "Mama?  When can I leave?  I don't wanna be here anymore." I stated.  "Let me call the doctor in.  He said you can leave whenever you wake up, and if you are cleared.  So, let me go get him." she said.  She got up from her spot next to me and left my room.  I pulled my knees up to my chest.  I was in a hospital gown, that explained the weird feeling.

"Miss Genesis Lawrence?" the doctor asked as she entered the room.  "That's me." I said.  "Alright, I was looking at your vitals, and you seem to be clear to go.  Just remember these things, take Advil according to the instructions: one every six hours.  Get lots of rest, but after you wake up, have someone talk to you so they can be sure you're thinking correctly.  Ice your head for about ten minutes every hour.  If anything unusual happens, call back immediately.  Other than that...your symptoms should start to go away after about a day or two." the doctor said.

"You got all that?  Means no running around, just chilling out today." Mom said.  I nodded and asked, "So I'm good?  I can go?"  Mom chuckled.  "Yes, but not in that.  I brought you something from home." she said as she handed me a plastic bag.  It had my clothes in it, and I got up to go change.  I went into the bathroom and shut the door behind me.  I leaned my body against the door and slid down the door.

Why Tessa?

Why does everything seem to be so upside down?

Why did that car have to hit us?

How come only she got really hurt?

Would Tessa ever dance or do gymnastics again?

These questions raced through my head as I changed.  It was simple and quite comfy.  Perfect for the lazy day I was going to have: my black jeggings, a dark gray sweater, my lighter gray beanie since it was getting a little colder, and my favorite white Converse.  I changed and looked in the mirror.  A little red cut was above my right eye.  Probably from hitting the seat in front of me.

I was strong.  Chloe was strong.  Tessa was the strongest.  She can do this.  She was gonna kick this in the butt.  Knowing Tessa, she wasn't gonna let something like this take her over.  She was gonna remember stuff.  She would dance again and do back flips down the school halls.  I think after I get over my concussion, I'm gonna go see her and see how she is.  

Come on Tessa, I know you can do this.


Okay guys, I know these past two chapters have been kinda crappy, and so it this one.  I am really running out of filler ideas.  I'm gonna do a Thanksgiving chapter and a Christmas chapter for sure because the idea I have comes after the new year in the story.  Please help me out by sending me short term ideas.  I really need your help.  Thanks guys, read my other stories, tell me if you like them, hug a bunny, and listen to music.  The song at the top (or side) is '1, 2, 3' by Nikki Cleary and I really love this song!  It has all my major nostalgia moments! 

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