Don't Blink

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Jen's POV

Stella hasn't woken up at all and Genesis fell asleep right as we were taking off.  I did a few time change math problems and figured that we would be home right about as it turned 9:00 AM in LA.  Stella was curled in a ball of her sky blue footie pajamas, while Gen was leaning her head on my shoulder as she continued sleeping.  They both looked so cute as they slept, not to make that sound creepy.  But it was just so cute.  

Then it hits me, these are MY girls.  I promised them I wouldn't try to take the spot of their mother, because I know they had to have loved their parents very much.  I wish I could have met their parents.  The police chief said that their names were Anna and Garret Patterson.  I was now the mothe-guardian!   I was the guardian of the most beautiful girls ever.  I remember last night I prayed to God that I would be good at taking care of them.  My mom said I had nothing to worry about.  

She said that if I was as good with them as I was with Cody, that I had nothing to worry about.  I just want the best for them, after all they've been through in the past week.  Losing their family, watching their house reduce to ashes, and being treated like a science experiment in that hospital...I just felt terrible for them.  Everyday I went to see them and every day they just seemed sadder and sadder, even little Stella, who's smile could light up a room.

I was just glad that they were mine now.  I knew that I wanted to foster them, but after two days of seeing them I knew I had to adopt them.  I was literally buzzed out of my trance when my phone went off.  We're in a plane, how can I get service?  I looked anyways and saw a reminder that I don't remember making.  I opened it and read the reminder.  My eyes filled with tears as I read the note.  "Dear Jen, you're gonna do great with them.  Just try not to blink too much.  They grow up faster than you'd think.  Love Mom"

I wiped a stray tear away from my cheek and looked at the sleeping angels next to me.  I carefully pushed a piece of Genesis' brown hair out of her face.  "I love you Genesis." I whispered as she smiled in her sleep.  I knew she was probably just dreaming, but I couldn't help thinking that she heard me.  She adjusted her position and she started to lean on the other side of her chair.  As I turned my head, I saw little Stella rub her eyes with her little fists.  I was hoping she'd go back to sleep so her ears wouldn't pop.  "Morning Stella." I whispered.  "Hi, Jenny." she yawned.  "OW!  Jennnnnyyyy!  My ears hurt!" Stella whined.  Well, little too late or that wish.  "It's okay sweetie, they just popped cause you're on the plane.  They'll stop hurting in a few minutes." I told her.  

"I gotta go to the bathroom." she said.  I looked down the aisle of seats and saw the sign for the bathroom.  "Okay, come here." I said as I stood up, careful not to wake Jackie.  I picked up Stella and carried her to the bathroom.  "Are you gonna need help sweetie?" I asked her.  I know she's four but sometimes you never know.  "No.  I'm a big girl." she stated.  "Alright then." I said.  I set her down in front of the bathroom door and she went in.  I stayed there in case she did end up needing help.  All I heard was her singing to herself.  I giggled quietly as she sang the chorus to 'Let it Go'.  Stella really did have a beautiful voice for such a little girl.

She came out with a piece of paper towel in her hands to dry them.  "Alright throw that away." I said as she opened the trash can and tossed it in.  "How much longer?" she asked.  "Few more hours." I told her.  She sighed and her shoulders drooped down.  "What is there to do for fun?" she asked, obviously bored in the five minutes she's been awake.  "Here, I got your coloring book and crayons, or you could watch TV on my iPad." I told her.  "I wanna color!" she exclaimed.  I laughed and put my finger to my lips.  "Shh, sissy's still sleeping." I whispered.  "Okay!"  she whispered back.

She laid down on the jet floor and started to color the pages in the coloring book.  I pulled out my copy of the book 'Outlander'.  I wasn't much of a person to just whip out a book and read it, but I had watched the TV series and was hooked.  So I decided the books must be pretty good too.  About an hour passed and Stella was still sprawled out coloring in the pages.  Unlike most four year olds, she had each picture colored in perfectly.  No weird colorings, no coloring outside the lines, all perfect.  Like she was a professional.

"That looks very pretty Stella." I commented as I crouched down next to her.  "Thank you.  Wanna color with me?" she asked.  This felt like one of those mother-daughter bonding moments so I quickly responded 'Yes'.  I laid down next to her and she put the crayons in between the two of us.  I picked out a picture of a puppy while Stella colored in a princess.  She had a lot of concentration on her face as she picked the various shades of pink to color the princess dress.

"Jen...I'm hungry." Stella said, halfway through her drawing.  "Alright, I'll get ya something." I said as I leaned up to press the call button.  The stewardess came and I ordered Stella a bag of pretzels and a Sprite.  She came back with the food and I gave them to Stella.  She took the food and continued to color her pictures.  She was so laid back for a four year old.  I leaned back in my chair and just smiled at her.  I loved my girls so much.  I had to remember my mom's advice for a minute.  

Don't blink.  They'll be gone before you know it.

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