Chapter 12

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I flew up screaming at the top of my lungs. I was breathing so heavy and I felt like I was about to pass out. My mom came running in my room and screamed, "what the hell Sophia I was trying sleep!"

"I can't help if I have a nightmare mom!"

She rolled her eyes and stomped out of my room and down the hall. I assume she went back to her room because I heard a loud slam a few seconds after she stormed out of here.

That dream felt so real. It was like I was living through it but then I woke up screaming. I was locked in a basement and when someone finally came down I saw that it was Chase. He beat me till I could barely breath and there was blood all over the floor. I woke up screaming because of what happened next. Cole and Chase both came in and said they were working together to make my life hell. Nothing else happened because that was enough for me to wake up.

I looked over at my clock and saw that it was 6:00 so I decided to start get ready for school. After that dream I'm feeling pretty sick to my stomach so I think I'm going to stick with legging and a sweatshirt today. I walked to my bathroom and threw my hair into a messy bun and brushed my teeth. I put on a little makeup so I wouldn't look like a complete mess.

I ran downstairs and ate some cereal while I waited for Cole to pick me up.

A few minutes later I heard him honk his horn and I ran outside before my mother came downstairs to see who was outside.

I got into the passengers seat and gave him a tight smile trying to make it look as real as possible but unfortunately he didn't buy it at all. "What's wrong?"

I shook my head and looked at the ground and he sighed and started driving towards the school. When we finally got there I got out confidently this time and was not scared of people staring at me. Cole came up behind me and grabbed my hand. I looked up to him and he smiled back down at me. "Are you ever going to tell me why you are so upset?"

"I will I promise, just not right now."


I nodded and we walked into school hand in hand. We walked to my locker and I saw Hope waiting for us with a giant grin on her face. When we reached my locker I looked up at Cole and pecked him on the lips before saying, "go before you are late."

He squeezed my cheeks and cooed, "you are such a cutie pie." I don't know why but I absolutely love when he does that to me. He looks at me like I'm the cutest thing he has ever seen when he does it. He Slumped down the hallway and I finally turned toward my annoying friend. "Sooooooo you guys are kissing in public now?" She joked.

"Shut up Hope." I cackled, "sometimes I swear You are the most annoying person I have ever met."

"But you love me!"

"That I sadly do my friend."

We both laughed and walked to our classes.


I was now sitting in 4th period the class I have with Chase. Yay me! I could hear someone whispering behind me so I turned around to see who it was and it was a bunch of popular girls glaring at me and whispering. "She must be paying him or something," one of the girls said, "or she is giving him sex," another one said, "maybe she is blackmailing him or something like maybe she knows like one of his darkest secrets or something like that." The third girl said. What I learned from listening in on there conversation is 1) those girls say "like" a lot and 2) people are spreading rumors about me and Cole. When I replayed the words of those girls over in my head and I could feel tears start to form in the corners of my eyes. I know that those rumors aren't true but it still hurt that people thought that low of me.

When the bell rang I got out of there as fast as possible so I could find Cole. No one even dares to whisper about me when I'm with him because they are all scared to death of him. I finally found him waiting outside the cafeteria doors for me. I ran up to him and wrapped my arms around his neck and held onto him like I was about to fall into a pool of sharks. "Are you okay princess?"

"I'm just sick of all the rumors and the whispering."

He nodded and we walked into the cafeteria with all eyes on us. "Take a picture it will last longer!" Cole yelled through the room. I laughed next to him and he nudged me with his elbow playfully.

"Let's go eat!" He said running like a little kid over to our table with Hope and a couple of his friends.

I know that everyone in town knows Cole as the bad boy but as I get to know him more I realize that he is pretty far from it. I mean he is sweet, caring, funny, concerned, loving and very childish at times. He puts up this cool kid act in front of everyone else but for some reason when he's with me he is nothing like that. He acts himself around me. That makes me pretty special and I like it. I think I may be in love with Cole Fisher.


I know this chapter really sucks but it is kind of a filler chapter. Plus I'm really tired and can't think straight but whatever. Um leave me comments I will probably reply if you do. Please vote if you liked it but I don't really expect anyone to. Okay anyways have a great night or day. It all depends on when your reading. Okay I'm going to stop talking now.

Love you 😘


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