chapter 24

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I woke up screaming from the terrible nightmare that conjured up in my sleep. I was sweating buckets and sobbing while swinging my legs over my bed to go to my bathroom. My grandparents were in the guest room down the hall so I didn't have to worry about waking them up. I looked at myself in the mirror and mentally groaned. They girl in front of me has bags under her eyes from only sleeping for about an hour, has a birds nest in her hair and looks like she has just seen a ghost. It was already 5:00 so I decided to just start getting ready for school.

I just threw on some baggy sweatpants and a sweatshirt because I'm not really in the mood to dress up today. I grabbed a hair tie from on top of my dresser and put my untamed hair into a messy bun. I went and brushed my teeth before going down to the kitchen to grab some breakfast. I scarfed down some fruity pebbles and then grabbed my house keys and headed out the door. I decided that I would go to  the Starbucks that is on my way to school and try to wake myself up since I have so much extra time on my hands.

I was walking down the street when my phone started to vibrate in my back pocket. I whipped it out and answered without seeing who it was. "hello?"

"Hey do you want me to pick you up on my way to school?" the person on the other line said and that's when I realized it was Cole.

"I am already walking to Starbucks," I told him while turning the corner.

"Do you want me to meet you there?" he asked while I could hear muffled sounds that I assume was hi walking around his room.

"I kind of want to be alone right now," I sighed.

"Oh," he said in a disappointed voice. I stopped and smiled at the fact that he was disappointed he couldn't hang out with me.

"If you really want to I guess you can," I giggled into the phone. He squealed in my ear and said "I will be there in ten. He hung up and I continued my walk to Starbucks.

Once I made it to Starbucks I ordered my usual which was a mocha Frappuccino. I was waiting for my drink when I got a text from Cole saying "I will not be able to make it to Starbucks I have to do something for my mom before school."

I was a little disappointed that he couldn't come but at the same time I was happy because now I could be alone. My drink came up and I went to sit in the corner in a tiny booth by myself. I plugged my headphones into my ears and let the lyrics to the songs explain all of the emotions going through my head.

These lyrics from my new favorite song were stuck in brain, "wanna scream but your voice is gone days trapped inside your heeaaddd, can't look up cause your world is down walking miles staring at the ground letting pockets hold your hand, but the sun is always there to shine the clouds don't own the sky, oh hold on just one more day hold on I know you'll find a way hold on you got stars in your eyes so lets paint the sky," I was mumbling the song to myself when I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. I turned my head so fast I felt like it could have fell off my body. "You scared the living hell out of me!"  

"I'm so sorry I did not mean to I was just coming over to say that I heard about your mom and I wanted to say that I am sorry." He admitted.

I awkwardly looked up at him and said, "thanks but I um have no idea who you are."

"Oh right," he laughed, "I am Maxon, I go to your school, I am a senior, and I saw what happened to your mom on the news." he confessed.

"I looked up at him very confused, "how come I have never seen you around school before?" I asked.

"I am one of those faces that looks familiar," he smiled.

I took a moment to look at this Maxon guy. He has gorgeous messy blonde flowy hair, deep ocean blue eyes, cute little dimples, perfect teeth, and a adorable little nose. I smiled to myself and looked back down at my coffee.

"So can I sit with you till I leave for school?" he burst out smiling from ear to ear.

"I guess." I gave in laughing at his face. "why do you even want to sit with me anyway?"

"You seem really nice and you looked lonely all by your lonesome." he smirked.

"Wow thanks I mean every girl wants to hear that she looks lonely." I scoffed. he just laughed and I took a drink of my Frappuccino.

Maxon and I spent the next half an hour talking, getting to know each other, and sharing lots of laughs. Now we had to leave for school so I stood up and started walking to the door and he shortly noticed I was gone and started following behind me. Once I was out of the tiny café Maxon caught up and grabbed my arm. I turned around and punched him right in the gut forgetting that he was the one who was following behind me. "Oh my god Maxon I'm so sorry I just am very sensitive and anytime I get touched I freak out I didn't mean to punch you."

"It's okay," he winced, "did this start after your mom was--" I nodded and looked down at my feet ashamed that I am a complete wreck. "He came closer and said, "hey it's okay I'm fine." I just once again nodded and turned to walk to school.

"Do you want I ride to school?" I heard from behind me. Turning around I nodded and said, "yeah that would be nice."

We drove the short distance to our school and I noticed that Coles car was already here. "Thanks for the ride Maxon I enjoyed talking to you today." I got out of the car and walked over to where Cole was parked to see if he was still in his car. Walking across the parking lot I was thinking about how lucky I was to have him as a boyfriend. I was half way there and I was getting more and more happy about being able to be in his arms. Three fourths there and I thought about how happy he makes me when I am with him. I'm there and I am now broken. Sitting in the front seat of my boyfriends car was the biggest slut of the school. I was stood their shell shocked while she had her tongue down his throat and HE WAS DOING THE SAME TO HER! I couldn't move, I couldn't speak, and I certainly could not believe he would do this to me. I collapsed onto the floor and the tears started spilling out of my eyes and they were not stopping for anything. I don't even know how long I sat on the floor sobbing it could have been 10 minutes or 10 seconds but I know that it felt like a lifetime. Sitting on the dirty parking lot ground crying made me feel worthless and empty like nothing I do is right or worth it anymore. Why should I even try anymore if every time I do I end up failing. I tried to save my mom but I failed at that because now I don't even have her in my life anymore. I tried to have a relationship with Cole but apparently I didn't try hard enough because I have now lost him too. How cold he do this to me when I just lost my mom. He completely lied to me when he said he was helping his mom with something he just said that so he could go hook up with her because I wasn't good enough. I heard someone coming up behind me so I quickly wiped the tears from my useless face and slowly standing up to walk into school. "Sophia?" I turned around and saw Maxon standing behind me. "Why are you crying?"

"I'm not I don't know what you are talking about" I lied wiping my face again the make sure all my tears were gone. Maxon looked over me into the car and saw Cole in the car with the slut and put two and two together. He put his arm over my shoulder and led me into the building. "He doesn't deserve to be with someone so beautiful."

We walked through the halls while people kept their prying eyes on us and us only. First we stopped at Maxons locker then he insisted that he walks me to my locker as well so we continued walking with his arm around me and leaning against my locker was none other than the guy who broke my heart a few minutes ago. "What the hell Sophia!"

"What so you are now allowed to make out with whoever you want in your car now, and lie to me about what you are doing but I cant walk down the hall with my new friend I met at Starbucks after you blew me off for your little slut!" I screamed at him. He couldn't even get words out of his mouth and he just turned around like the little coward he is and walked away. I opened my locker got my stuff and slammed it shut.

I don't even know how many times I was asked to leave the classroom today because I was breaking down. Everyone looks at me with sympathetic eyes but all that does is make everything worse and I don't want it to be worse I just want it to stop hurting. they say that if a guy hurts you then they never deserved you in the first place but whoever said that never actually went through something like this because it really sucks. No one like me, no one cares about my feelings, and no one stays with me because now I have absolutely no one.

Maybe everything would be better if I just disappeared.

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