Chapter 19

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*Before I start I want to say thank you for all the votes I am so happy that you like my book. Please comment and vote love you 💕*

*Cole's pov*

There I was sitting by her bed in this god awful chair. I haven't slept or ate since she has been here. Hope keeps telling me I need to go home but I can't go home because if I do I'm scared of what I will do. I will go out of my mind, I will probably drink and then I won't be able to be saved. So no I can't go home. The best place for me to be is right here next to my princess.

Her dad hasn't been back since he left earlier and I am pretty happy about that. If I have to hear one more word about me not being good for Sophia come from his mouth I think I would have punched him. I do know that I shouldn't be with her that she would do better without me and she could find someone better but I do not like when someone else besides myself tells me that.

It's around 3:00 in the morning and I can't sleep and trust me I have tried. But before I know it I was asleep in the chair my head laying on her bed.

A few hours later

My eyes were slowly opening and I was trying focus my eyes and fully wake up. That's when I noticed she was gone. She wasn't in her bed it was empty.

I ran to the hallway to look for a nurse. "Where is my girlfriend!" I screamed in the nurses face. I will admit I felt bad for screaming after I did it so I lowered my voice a little bit. "Where is she?" I asked my voice pleading.

"Um I'm sorry sweetie but I'm not supposed to tell you that." She said looking anywhere but at me.

"Why not!"

"Um her um father told us not to let you go near her new room."

"Look I know this isn't your fault so I'm going to try my absolute hardest not to get mad at you but that is very hard considering you won't let me see my girlfriend!" I said my voice growing louder with each word I said.

"Look I am really sorry but he gave us very specific orders not to let you see her."

I nodded and walked away and I knew what I had to do.

I got in my car and slammed the door closed in the process. I turned the key and sped out of the parking lot. It didn't take me long to get where I was going so I was there within 10 minutes. I got out of my car and ran up to the front door and knocked until someone answered.

"Cole what are you doing here?" She asked.

I could tell she has been crying because her eyes were red and puffy and she had tear stains on her cheeks. "I need your help."

"What happened?"

"Sophia's dad has banned me from seeing her and I need your help to get in there tonight."

She nodded and opened the door for me to come in. "What are we going to do?"

"I have an idea but Hope you need to be able to lie."

She nodded and said, "what do I have to do?"

*Authors note*
I'm sorry this chapter is really short but I want to save the plan and and something else I have planned for the next chapter so please bare with me. I did promise you a chapter before Monday and I got bored so here it is. I will probably end up writing more today or tomorrow.

Love you

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