Chapter 17

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I was waiting outside for the police to bring her out to me but they were taking way to long for my pleasing. I ran through the doors and rushed through the house looking for my princess. When I finally found where the cops were I pushed through them and saw Chase handcuffed and Sophia passed out on the floor. "What did you do to her?" I screaming in his face. He just smirked at me before I lifted my fist and punched him right in the jaw making him wince from the pain. The police told me to stop before I got in trouble myself and I just ignored them and ran over to Sophia laying unconscious on the floor.

Please don't leave me princess, I whispered feeling tears stream down my face. I can't lose her. I don't know what I would do with myself if she died. I'm going to kill him if these cops don't get him away from me soon. "Can you get him out of my face!" I yelled to the cops. They nodded agreeing and walked off with him and told me to carry Sophia out because the ambulance was going to be here any minute.

I picked her up in my arms staring at her beautiful face. "Promise me you won't leave baby," I whispered into her hair before I kissed her cheek hoping she can hold on.

The ambulance came within seconds of being outside and they started working on her right away. They put her on a stretcher and rolled her into the ambulance and started driving to the hospital. I jumped in my car and started racing down the road behind the ambulance. I got out my phone and dialed Hope's number. "Meet me at the hospital Sophia is hurt and I don't know what's going to happen."

"I'm on my way," she said before hanging up the phone.

I could feel more tears prick the corners of my eyes. I haven't cried this much since the beginning of the summer and my parents sent me to rehab for my drinking problem. I had to leave for the whole summer and I wouldn't be able to see my friend or take care of my little sister Ana. Honestly my parents could care less about me. They only care about their baby girl. They were probably happy to send me away.

I arrived at the hospital and leaped out of my car and ran in right behind Sophia and the paramedics. I was running beside her bed but when we got to a door a nurse told me I couldn't go back there. "I need to make sure she's okay!" I screamed.

"Can we go sit down please?" She asked carefully probably so I would stop yelling. She took my arm and dragged me over to some chairs in the corner of the room. "Sophia was hit in the head today," I stayed silent signaling her to go on, "we don't know if she will make it but we are going to try our hardest."

"Damn right you are!"

"Please stop yelling." She asked me, "who are you to her?"

"I'm her....boyfriend," I said realizing she is actually mine.

"Okay," she nodded, "we will keep you updated but does she have any family you can get in touch with?"

"I can ask her best friend when she gets here if she has her moms number."

She nodded and stood up telling me to stay here till someone told me otherwise. Within a few more minutes Hope ran through the sliding doors bawling her eyes out. She made eye contact with me and ran to my arms sobbing into my shirt. "What the hell happened?" She asked slapping my chest.

"Chase hit her in the head and she passed out, they don't know if she is going to make it," I sobbed trying to hold myself together the best I can.

We both sat down next to each other and I remembered I had to find Soph's mom. "Do you have her moms number.

She looked at me then sighed dialing a number. "Who knows if she will answer or not," she sighed.

I took the phone and listened to it ring and then finally at the last second someone answered. "Hello?" The person asked confused.

"Hi um is this Sophia's moms phone?" I asked because the voice on the phone was definitely a male.

"Yes it is may I ask who this is?"

"Um this is Cole Fisher I'm a friend of her daughter."

"Why are you calling if you don't mind me asking?" He said patiently.

"I think that I should ask you who you are first!" I said getting a little impatient with this guy.

"Fair enough," he agreed, "I am not allowed to tell you that it might get Sophia hurt."

"She already is hurt you idiot!"

"What do you mean she's already hurt?" The guy asked his voice growing into a protective tone.

"She's in the hospital!" I screamed in the phone beyond annoyed at this point.

"Okay I'm on my way," he whispered before ending the call.

"Who was that?" Hope asked confused.

"I have no fucking clue!" I screamed.

"Look Cole I know your upset right now but you need to settle down," she told me, "there are other people who are going through the same thing as us." I took in her words very carefully and agreed with her.

"She's going to be okay right?" I asked feeling more tears fall down my cheeks.

"She's strong Cole she's been through so much."

I nodded wondering what she was talking about how she has been through so much. I decided I could talk to Sophia about it when she wakes up...if she wakes up.

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