Chapter 11 Alliances

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***With Misaki***

I sighed as I finished piecing together Kisame's head. I had spent all day yesterday cleaning off the shit from his body parts and all day today piecing together his head. It looked like he was going to miss a few vital organs but luckily while I was doing my medical training I swept by Orochimaru's old lair and...borrowed, a few things.

Piecing together the head alone I used up a lot of chakra. I decided to take a break piecing together the body parts and at least pile some of the other pieces to what body part they would be. I put all of the right arm pieces in one place and the left arm pieces in another and so on.

"Need any help?" Konan asked as she walked into the room.

"Do you know how to separate these and put them in some kind of order?"

Konan laughed. "Please, I used to do Nagato's paperwork for him. This is nothing." Konan turned into paper and each one separated the blue body pieces and put them in their proper piles, then she turned back to her normal human form. "All done."

I smiled. "Thanks Konan."

"Anytime. Why don't you get some rest? You used a lot of chakra today."

"I can't, Kisame has to be revived before Zetsu's body gets here. I have to have chakra ready to help revive him."

"Why do you seem so interested in Zetsu?" Konan questioned and I remained silent. "You love him."

"Love... isn't the right word... I only knew him for a short amount of time and we only talked for like ten minutes. I hardly know the plant."


"....But he seemed to be the only Akatsuki member that complimented me and let me have a good time. I was...happy in those ten minutes.."

"I see.... So you want to get to know him and thank him for making you feel happy?"

I nodded. "He's the reason I considered reviving you all to help out with the Mayonaka."

"In that case, we should all thank Zetsu." Konan smiled and I nodded. "But if you stay here and strain yourself your chakra will drop to zero and then you'll need medical help. You should really eat something and rest."

"Ok.... but I'm back to helping Kisame in the morning." I said taking of my rubbed gloves and throwing them away.

I left the room and went to my bedroom bathroom where I took a quick shower. I got out and dried off then got in a light pink tank top and some black shorts. I went to the kitchen and grabbed an apple before going back to my room and sitting on the bed.

I sighed then took a bite of my apple then looked out the window. The moon was up high in the sky and the stars were shinning perfectly. I left my bedroom light off and allowed the moonlight to shine down on me. The bright white moon in the black midnight sky made me think of a certain plant.

I remembered him calling me cute a bunch of times and make me get all flustered. It was some kind of special connection in that moment. Even though he threatened to eat me a few times, I still kinda liked him... I placed a hand over my heart and gripped my shirt at a sour thought.

What if I bring him back to life and he ends up being just as cruel to me as the others were? I mean I deserve it right? I was so mean, to all of them. I made fun of them, insulted them, I even kicked a few of them where the sun don't shine. Why would any of the Akatsuki members do what I say?

It didn't make any sense. Or... maybe they weren't doing any of this for me? Maybe they were only helping me to save the world? But that was also hard to believe considering there were still a lot of members that hated this world. They cursed it for the pain they went through. Maybe... they were making a title for themselves?

The Akatsuki's Girl (Akatsuki fan fic) Book 2 Fight 4 Our Freedom! (DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now