Chapter 6 CAT FIGHT!!!

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***With Misaki***

I had made it to the shrine Konan made for Pein's body. What? I do my research...It wasn't just the resting place of Pein AKA Nagato though, there was also a guy named Yahiko. I looked up his profile to, he was once leader of the Akatsuki and fought to protect the hidden rain village.

Poor guys sacrificed himself thinking he could save Konan and Nagato. Maybe this would be a nice present for Nagato? I could revive him and his friend. I knew it was wrong to revive the dead. They all deserved peace. They were already used in war, but my revival technique was different. I could revive them sure but I couldn't control them.

Let's just get one thing straight about my new jutsu ok? It doesn't work twice. Meaning if I revive someone once and they die, then they're dead. I can't revive the same person a second time. If I could then I'd be a goddess, but I'm not, I don't have that kind of power..

I started to revive Nagato then his friend Yahiko. It took them a little while but eventually they both woke up. Odd thing was...They both had the rinnegan.


"Mi-Misaki?" Nagato said wide eyed and sat up. "Why are you here?? How am I alive??"

"I revived you, but don't worry, I have no control over you."

"Why did you revive me?! I should be DEAD!"

"Sorry...I wouldn't of unless it was for a good cause and it is."



"I uh..May of revived him to...Surprise?"

***With Deidara and Sasori***

The artistic trio just finished digging up the coffin. It was light so it was easy to pull out of the ground. They opened the coffin and looked down at Itachi's ashes. Obito burned Itachi's body after the war so he couldn't be used anymore. Or so he thought.

Sasori took out the mysterious liquids in a vile Misaki gave him. The blue watery like substance was poured onto Itachi's ashes. They watched as the ashes started to form a body and then take more shape until they were staring down at an eyeless Itachi Uchiha.

The next step was one of their greater challenges. How do they carry him back?

"Deidara you carry him."

"Huh?? Why me hm!"

"Because your taller."

"Why did you have to switch back to a puppet body?? Then YOU'D be taller!"

"I'll upgrade my body some other time but right now we have to get Itachi back."

"Itachi is still taller than me un!"

Deidara and Sasori kept fighting over who was gonna carry Itachi. If only Kisame were here, he could carry Itachi's body easily. But he had yet to be revived...The fight went on until they finally started heading back to base.

Deidara had Itachi over his shoulder but he was still heavy. He gave him to Sasori but the puppet could hardly stand the weight of it. They even tried Sasori holding the legs while Deidara carried the arms, making Itachi rock back and forth like a swing with every step they took. Deidara didn't have any of his clay on him so this was gonna be a long awkward walk home...

***With The Zodiac Guardians***

The rooster neko woke up from her little nap on Eva's back. They had finally made it to Ginger's house. It was just like Cynthia's home. Ginger had made a hole in the ground, her burrow. Above her home there was a beautiful meadow with daises and lilies. Butterflies were here and there along with the bunnies. Some bunnies were midnight black while others were fluffy snow white. Some were brown and some of them had patches of different colors.

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