Chapter 3 The Black Flame

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***With Hidan and Kakuzu***

Hidan was able to make it by Kakuzu's side for protection and panted. Uri stopped to do the same while Alvion met up with her. When the four were ready to begin battle again they were suddenly swept further apart by waves of water. In between them stood a girl with long dark navy blue hair with some of it in a bun held up by a small crown. She had pale-ish skin and cerulean eyes wearing the same uniform as Uri and Alvion.

"Yuiko you bitch! We're on a DIRT fucking path! Now I'm covered in fucking mud!" Uri yelled but Yuiko remained expressionless.

"Leader Arashi grows impatient. He wants you two to retreat this battle."

"Like hell we will!" Alvion yelled standing up.

Yuiko sighed before tossing the envelope their way. Kakuzu and Hidan watched curiously but cautiously. Uri and Alvion opened the envelope and their eyes widened at the two pieces of paper. It looked like someone had kissed the paper with blood on their lips. For a blood stain in the shape of lips were on the paper.

It was to symbolize the kiss of death, a warning to Uri and Alvion that if they fight they will surely die.

"Yuiko why don't you help us out here then??" Alvion pleaded but Yuiko shook her head.

"If you two do not retreat this battle as ordered, you will not only die but you will go against our leader and therefore betray the Mayonaka. We will not support traitors."

Uri and Alvion glared at Yuiko but went by her side to retreat. The kiss of death was no joke, they had all remembered a few members of the Mayonaka that went down before from the kiss of death. Arashi was cruel and would not save those who have defied him.

"Next time I'll get you old fucker!" Alvion called out with a glare and Uri winked at Hidan.

"Until next time Hidan, it's been fun, really it has."

Hidan and Kakuzu glared at the three pair and Yuiko held her arm out with her palm facing Hidan.

"One more thing before we leave."

Water shot out from Yuiko's palm as she made a hand sign with her other hand. The water flew at the speed of light through the air and into Hidan's mouth. When Yuiko thought Hidan had had enough she stopped and had water whirl around them before they disappeared.

Hidan chocked and coughed up water then his eyes widened at his skin that was turning back to normal.

"How the fuck did that bitch do that??"

"Hm..Looks like she washed out your mouth and made you piss yourself."

"Shut up Kakuzu!" Hidan yelled after looking at his pants.

Uri's life was spared because of Yuiko who made Hidan drink enough water to pee out the blood he ate.

"The fuck am I gonna do now?? I can't go around like this!"

"Relax, you can borrow clothes from a corpse at the battle feild when we go to get Tobi." Kakuzu said moving on.

***With the Zodiac Guardians***

Eva managed to get out of the arrows hold and race towards the nearest land holding a zodiac guardian. It was a little farm where the zodiac guardian for the rooster was, Ruby. Ruby however was one of the many breakaways. She broke away from the clan for the same reasons the other did. She didn't get along with some of the other members.

When Eva got there she saw Ruby feeding her rooster friends. Eva panted heavily, relieved Ruby hadn't been captured yet and ran up to her.

"Ruby! AH AH! Horrible news!" Eva yelled and stopped at Ruby's side.

Ruby stood up and sighed after her rooster pals had run off.

"Eva, I'm not part of your clan anymore, remember?"

"But you don't understand! Me and Roxy were on our way to the great meeting! AH AH! When the Mayonaka showed up and kidnapped Roxy!"

"Roxy? Roxy?! I HATE Roxy! She's always scaring my friends and nearly killing them! That mutt can die for all I care!" Ruby snapped.

"But the Mayonaka are after all the zodiac members! They even have Priscilla!"

Ruby gasped softly with wide eyes. She may not have liked Roxy but Priscilla was a good friend. They both enjoyed the farm life they had, they were quite close. Ruby's eyes widened more and caught Eva before she fell. Eva was exhausted after her battle with Rygar. He was one tough opponent.

Ruby looked around and sighed before helping her old friend into her farm house. Eva and Ruby weren't exactly too close of friends and Eva comes off a bit annoying to Ruby, but regardless she was a friend that everyone loved and right now she needed help.

***With Misaki, Sasori&Deidara***

When we arrived at the base I got Deidara some new clothes and pointed him to the showers. It was cute to watch Sasori follow Deidara in there like a lost puppy but it was also a little hot knowing what they were gonna do.

I looked at the information I had on the other Akatsuki members to see who to revive next. I found out about Konan's whereabouts not too long after. When the villagers of the hidden rain found her body they gave her a proper burial in there village. I left a note on the table for Deidara and Sasori saying to wait to regroup with Kakuz and Hidan and stay put until I could revive Tobi.

I headed out with my stuff to go to the hidden rain village next. Even a paper flower can bloom once more.

***With the Mayonaka***

In Arashi's office stood a boy and a girl, the boy's name was Ryuu Takeda, he had black hair and black eyes with pale skin. His partner was Akira who had red hair and firey eyes. This team together was known as the black flame. They worked together ok but didn't get along all too well.

"Ryuu, Akira, I'm assigning you to capture the zodiac guardian of the snake, Cynthia. I want her alive and no where near death and kill anyone that gets in the way."

"Understood." Ryuu replied.

"I hope there will be someone strong in our way I can fry alive! Mmmm~ I can smell the ashes of the corpse now~" Akira responded letting a tad bit of her crazy side show and Arashi faced them.

"Akira darling try not to get in over your head now, after all where would the Mayonaka be without your skill?"

"Oh relax, I'll be able to handle it surely." Akira said before walking out.

"Arashi." Ryuu said.

"Hm? What is it Ryuu?"

"You weren't just gonna let us walk out that door without an antidote for Cynthia's snake venom were you?"

"Sharp as usual Ryuu, you are quite impressive." Arashi said and handed him two vials. "Make it last, she's a deadly one."

Ryuu nodded and put the vials in his pocket before leaving with Akira. Now things will really start heating up.


It may not be too long but I have a lot more ideas for the next chapter, hope you guys like it ^_^ There's also gonna be more fighting and I'll try adding more of the Mayonaka members in the next one.


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