Chapter 4 Cynthia of The Snake

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***With Hidan and Kakuzu***

Hidan glared down at the outfit he was now wearing. Kakuzu found one of the only few remaining corpses on the battle field. They took the clothes it was wearing to replace Hidan's wet pissed in ones. The new change of clothes were a bit small on Hidan and made him kinda look like an overgrown dork.

Kakuzu did his best to control his snickering while Hidan glared menacingly at him. Though it had no affect on Kakuzu. No matter what Hidan did, he never seemed to scare Kakuzu even the slightest bit.

"Shut up old fucker! Let's find Tobi and get the fuck outta here!"

"You look like the old guy wearing kids clothes."

"They're not fucking kids clothes! They're clothes that were worn by a short skinny fucker!"

"Whatever you say." Kakuzu replied before heading out to where Tobi's body was.

When they found Tobi's body they were a bit disappointed. There they were standing by the overgrown man child and they STILL coudn't see his face. Tobi's face was all messed up, covered in blood and dirt. He was missing an arm from the fight he had had with Konan and the rest of his body was badly beaten.

Kakuzu picked up Tobi and threw him over his shoulder before they headed back to Misaki's base. On the way back Hidan and Kakuzu played their favorite game of insults. But neither one was cracking to the point where they'd end up fighting.

***With Zodiac Guardians***

Ruby was slowly nursing Eva back to health. She had treated her injuries and made her rest in her chicken coop bed. It was just like a normal chicken coop only bigger with a pillow and blanket. The bed wasn't exactly comfortable to Eva but it came pretty close to her canopy bed in the trees.

Eva had a pretty high fever when she collapsed at Ruby's side. Ruby gave Eva water and milk to drink along with heated mashed up bananas and honey. Eva was already feeling better thanks to her friend. Her eyes soon fluttered open and her ear twitched slightly.

"How are you feeling Eva?"

"Better...How many times have I woken up and past out here? Oo ah ah." Eva asked making quiet monkey sounds.

"About five. Now what's this about the Mayonaka? They're a new enemy?"

"Yeah, they're slowly capturing everyone. Zelda wants everyone to meet up at her mountain."

"Must be serious if she wants us to meet there. So why am I invited to this?" Ruby asked.

"Even if you're no longer part of the clan Ruby, you're still a precious friend to all of us. We were asked to gather breakaways of our clan as well."

"I see...Alright then, we'll get ginger on our way to the mountain. I'll pack my things and we'll leave as soon as you're feeling better." Ruby said standing up.

"Heh, I can go anytime! I'm waiting on you!" Eva cheered.

"AR AR AR AR ROOOOO!!! Lay back down! Get some rest so I don't have to worry about you collapsing on the way there!" Ruby snapped and Eva quickly laid back down, hiding under the blanket.

Ruby doesn't often make rooster or chicken noises. It was pretty much only when she lost her temper. Ruby went ahead and packed things for the rode, such as chicken feed, bananas and money. She also packed her zodiac guardian uniform from the old days. Just in case anyway.

She bid farewell to her rooster companions and asked them to watch over the farm house. There were no fences and things to trap the chickens. They roamed around as the pleased. They normally stayed in the area because animals that would eat them weren't around for miles. It was peaceful.

An hour later Eva was fully rested and no longer had a fever. The two set out on their journey to get Ginger of the rabbit. She was another breakaway but she would listen to both Eva and Ruby. Hopefully she would go with them on their quest to Zelda's mountain. Just what did the dragon leader have planned for all of them?

***With Misaki***

I frowned looking at the tombstone down by my feet. I had never gotten to know Konan but I could tell she was a good person. We might of even become friends under different circumstances. In the village hidden in the rain the people here say Konan's spirit became a real angel, and that angel watches over the village.

I got out my shovel and started digging up the body. When the shovel hit the coffin I brought it out of the ground and opened it up. I nearly gagged seeing Konan's pruned up body, but that's how all dead bodies are. She couldn't help it.

I took in a deep breath before beginning my jutsu on her. Her body started to look the way she did before she died. Her hands holding the origami bouquet twitched, until finally, Konan was alive again. I smiled brightly at her as she looked at me.

"Welcome back to life Konan."

"ZOMBIE!!!" Konan yelled and punched me in the face.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TRYING TO DO, KILL ME?! I'M NOT A FUCKING ZOMBIE! I BROUGHT YOU BACK TO LIFE WOMAN SO BE THANKFUL!!!" I shouted with my eyes looking like white plates as I rubbed the side of my face where I was punched.

Konan laid in her coffin panting from the little scare she had before she sat up. I glared at her for a second more before sighing. Konan wasn't wearing what she was when she died. She was actually wearing a dress as white as her paper that stopped above her knees. She was barefoot but her hair was in it's original style with the origami rose.

"Man your villagers sure do love you..."

'Lucky bitch...'

"I...suppose so...Where am I?"

"You're in you're village, come on. I'll explain everything on the way."


"It's a long story, come on, get up." I said helping Konan out of her coffin.

I explained everything to Konan as we headed back to my base. When we got there I gave her a uniform like the one she had before she died and let her use my private bathroom. Girls gotta stick together you know?

It wasn't long after Konan got done that Hidan and Kakuzu showed up with Tobi's body. Now this was a tricky one. I could revive Tobi, but what if he was as evil as he was before? Then again it looked like he was badly beaten when he died. Meaning I might not be able to heal all the head trauma and Tobi could end up being permanently...Well...Tobi.

***With the Mayonaka***

"Ugh! Ryuu slow down already! My feet are killing me~! Can we PLEASE take a moment to rest?" Akira asked and Ryuu stopped and sighed.

"I've been walking the same pace since we first started and you've just been dragging your heels. What kind of ninja are you?"

"Oi! Respect your elders kid! Remember, your the BABY of the Mayonaka!" Akira snapped and Ryuu glared at her.

"Sorry grandma, I forgot your the old hag of the Mayonaka. I'll slow down until your wrinkly ass can keep up."

"Why you little! I'm twenty-one for your information! The oldest chick at the Mayonaka is Uri!"

"She's better looking than you are."

"Excuse you?! I am the SEXIEST girl you will ever see!"

"Whatever floats your boat tuts." Ryuu said continuing to walk while Akira continued to complain.

Hidden in the dark shadows of a giant snake hole Cynthia was listening carefully. She knew the Mayonaka were getting closer. She summoned all her deadliest snakes and pythons. She was NOT gonna go down without a fight!


Hoping this is at least two pages long...Ok well I did a little interview thing on myself about Akatsuki's girl book 1 and 2 but I don't wanna post it just yet. If there are any questions you may have about this story and/or how it was made please leave a question in the comments ^_^ I'll be sure to put the video up next chappy.

Hope you liked it!

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