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Dane Donavon

Getting out of the city was a bitch tonight. There was an accident on the freeway that held up traffic for twenty minutes or so. Luckily once I exited the freeway I took a different route back where there are never any cars. And then from route fifty all the way down to three ninety five was devoid of any human life at all, except for the trees that surround my property.

The company I was working with this week told me to take the day off. They exclaimed how it was New Year's Eve and nobody should be working on this day. They said I should be off celebrating. But what would I celebrate exactly? Another year gone and passed? It's just another day to me. I celebrate every day while it's here. So I worked in the city all day on the new building up on Lincoln Road. I assume if everything goes as planned, we should be ready to move on to the next stage by next week.

I pull in the long winding driveway and park my car in front of the garage. I have to remind Avery to take out the trash tonight so I can drop it off at the dumpster tomorrow. I go inside and begin the usual ritual. Wash hands, take out food to thaw, type up some reports on the computer, and then start making dinner. I wonder if I should bring the girls up for supper tonight. Reign infuriated me beyond words the other day, but like they said, it's New Years' Eve, and I think we should all bring in the new year together. I'll tell Avery to fetch the girls once dinner is in the oven.

I take out the raw steak and begin slicing it into pieces, the pink flesh still fresh in my hands. Once I'm finishing cutting it up, I dump it in a tray and sprinkle on my finest herbs and spices. After washing my hands once more – can't have any cross contamination! – I remove the potatoes from the bottom drawer of the fridge. Should I roast them or mash them? I know Reign likes them mashed. I'll go with roasted. Just then, Avery walks in the kitchen.

"Hey dad,"
I turn to face him, "Hello son, how was your day?"
"Good, I guess. How was work?"
"Great actually. We should be finished up on Lincoln street by next week."
"Wow that's great,"
"Sure is. Hey, would you mind fetching the girls shortly? I decided we should all have New Year's dinner together. Make sure they're wearing their nice dresses."
"Okay, sure. Anything else?"
I think for a moment. "Fetch me the nicest bottle of wine we have from the cellar. I'm feeling fancy tonight."
"No problem. Any one in particular?"
"Surprise me."
He nods his head and disappears. He's a good kid, Avery. A bit troubled is all. But he's obedient and he listens to me. Most of the time. I appreciate that. I think I did a good job raising him. Perhaps he'll turn out just like me.
Avery returns a few minutes later with two bottles of wine in hand. "Pick your poison," he says to me.
"Hmmm," I study the bottles. He's holding merlot and cabernet sauvignon. "Let's go with the merlot tonight. What do you think?"
"Yeah, sounds good to me." he says and goes off into the dining room. He returns back a moment later with two glasses half full. He hands one to me and holds the other one for himself. "To the new year," he says.
"Toasting already?"
"Sure, why not?"
I laugh. "You sure are your father's son," I take the glass from his hands. "Cheers," I say, bringing the glass to my lips. I watch closely as he takes a sip.

Avery eyes me for a moment, then smiles and leaves the room. I watch, waiting until he's out of earshot, then I dump the wine down the drain.

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