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Today is day five – I think. I'm not one hundred percent sure because I've fallen asleep and woken up multiple times in the last few days due to the fact that time isn't really measured accurately here. I just eat, sleep and wish I was elsewhere. Simultaneously, however, it feels like I've been trapped here for weeks. But I'm pretty sure it's been five days.

I must admit one thing: my room is better than being cuffed to that pole out there. Obviously I would prefer neither of the two options, but if I had to pick a lesser of two evils, the bedroom would definitely be my first choice. I sit on my bed, legs dangling over the side, with one cuff locked around my ankle that is further attached to a chain which hooks onto the far corner of the bed. The chain allows me to walk around the perimeter of the room, but never as far as the door. There's a bucket in the corner for when I need to go pee. I'm also allowed to go to the bathroom if I ask when one of them is here. Dane has come down to see me a couple of times. He brings me breakfast and dinner and tries to make conversation. I usually just ignore him. I hate him with a deep passion that burns inside of my body. Avery has barely came down at all. He brought me a band-aid for my wrist, but that was the extent of his visits. I haven't seen Jo since we were attached to the poles outside these doors. I wonder if she's okay. I wish they'd let us see each other. But clearly I'm not in any position to ask for favours. Five days. That's not too long. There's probably search parties going on for me right now. I shouldn't be here too much longer. That's the hope that I'm holding onto: that everyone is worried sick about me and is searching everywhere to find me. But then another thought crosses my mind: who would notice that I was gone? I only talk to my dad once every couple of weeks, so for all he knows, I'm living my life away at school. I text Colby every day, so he has to know that something is wrong, right? Or maybe he thinks I'm mad at him because of our fight and assumes I'm ignoring his calls. If he comes over to my place, I won't be home and he'll think I'm out. Would he just leave and move on with his day, not giving a second thought to where his girlfriend is? What about Laiken? Would she have come by to check on me when I didn't show for our movie night? Oh God, what if nobody is looking for me? A rush of panic floods my body. My biggest fear takes over and I gasp for breaths, trying to hold in the sobs as they come. After the pillow is soaked and the tears have run their course, I hear a light tap on the door.

"What?" I yell from my spot on the bed. The door opens, revealing Avery standing there holding a bowl in between his palms.

"I brought you breakfast." he says, walking over to the bed.

I sit up and wipe my eyes, peering into the bowl: its porridge. He has it in a blue plastic bowl, of course, with a plastic spoon. I feel like a child. He extends his arms and hands me the bowl.

"Thank you," I say quietly as I take the bowl from him.

"You okay?"

My eyes dart up and meet his. "Does it look like I'm okay? What kind of question is that?"

"Sorry." he says. "I just... I didn't know what else to say."

"Just don't say anything." I mutter and take a spoonful of the porridge. As I'm chewing the mush around my mouth, I notice something peculiar: it actually tastes kind of... good. "Did you add something to this?" I ask.

"Brown sugar." He says. "I looked up how to make porridge. Turns out you're supposed to add brown sugar."

The corners of my mouth turn slightly upwards, involuntarily. "Its good."

"Thanks," he pauses, peering down at my arms. "How are your wrists?"

"A bit better. They're still sore,"

"I can get you some cream if you want?"

"Sure. That would be great." It's quiet for a moment. "What day is it today?" I ask.

"September 28th."

"I meant like Thursday, or..."

"Oh, It's Friday."

"I was right," I say, mostly to myself.

"About what?"

"Five days. I've been here five days."

He looks down at his watch. "I'm gunna go now."

"Wait!" He looks up at me. "I have to pee."


I scoot back slightly and lift my ankle up to him so he can un-cuff it. I still have to wear handcuffs while being accompanied to the bathroom to ensure I don't try anything. I put my hands out in front of me for him to lock as well. I feel so dependent; helpless. As we walk from my room towards the bathroom, I study the doors that line the wall.

"Which one's Jo's room?" I ask.


"Just wondering."

He nods towards one on the far right. "That one."

"Is she okay?" I ask as we come to a halt in front of the bathroom door.

"She's about as fine as you are."

So, not fine at all. I nod my head, accepting his blunt answer, then turn to walk into the bathroom. But when he closes the door behind me, I don't go to the toilet; I have another plan in mind. I quietly search the room for anything I can use as a weapon. I try to open up the cupboard under the sink as quietly as I can, but once I do, I discover that it's empty. Dammit. I don't know what else to do. So, in good old Reign fashion, I improvise, going with the first plan that comes to my mind, even if it's a terrible one. I walk over and close the toilet seat so it makes a sound, then flush. I rush over to the sink, letting the water run out of the tap, then I turn it off and dart behind the door. Avery opens it slowly and I squish my body as flat as I can against the wall as the door presses closer to me. Just as I see his head appear inside the bathroom, I push the weight of my body forwards as hard as I can, slamming the door as it connects with his head. He grabs his head with both of his hands and falls to the ground. I jump over him and run for my life. "REIGN!" I hear him yell from behind me. My heart has never raced so fast in my entire life. I feel like a deer running from a lion as I dart around the basement and start up the stairs. My hands are still cuffed in front of me as I sprint. I hear him approaching fast behind me. But I'm there – I made it to the top! Just as I reach forwards and twist the door handle to my escape, I feel his hand grasp around my ankle and then he yanks me towards him. I tumble backwards and go toppling over him as I hit each step on the way down until I reach the bottom. My head connects with the ground so hard that when I open my eyes, I can't see straight. When my vision finally focuses, I see him standing over me, panting as he tries to catch his breath. "What the hell was that!?" he yells. I don't answer. I can't. I just lie on the ground trying to catch my breath, feeling the pain as it shoots through my entire body. He grabs my arm, yanking me to my feet, and drags me through the basement, back to my room. I hit the bed and it's the first time that I've felt absolute relief. He locks the cuff around my ankle and doesn't bother to remove the ones on my wrists. He walks out, slamming the door behind him.

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