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The following morning I'm awoken to the sound of crying. But once I open my eyes and regain full consciousness, I realize that the sound was all in my head. No one's here and no one's crying.

I flip through a couple of chapters from the latest book that Avery has brought me. I find that it helps pass the time. I know it's terrible to say this, let alone think this, but I find myself getting used to it here. The routine of waking up and doing nothing all day; having no one to rely on but myself. No rules or expectations placed upon me. In a weird way, I'm almost free – from my old life that is. No one knows I'm here. And I don't know where anyone else is. It's sort of like I'm living this alternate life where Reign doesn't even exist anymore. Well, Old Reign doesn't exist. I guess this is New Reign. The girl who's chained to a bed all day and who looks forward to eating dinner with a psychopath and his son. Is this what my life has truly become?

I think about Tori. I wonder what thoughts are racing through her mind right now. If she has any idea just how bad her life is going to be. I wonder if her friends and family are looking for her. I wonder if the police have connected our cases together somehow. I wonder what Jo's parents are thinking. God, I miss Jo. I think the worst part is not knowing. Not knowing where I am; not knowing if I'm going to survive; not knowing if anyone is out there getting close to finding me.

I wish I knew.


A little while later once Dane is back from work, I notice something is off about him. He seems different; angry almost. Perhaps he had a bad day at work. Or perhaps he turned on the news and saw that the police are getting close to finding us. I can only hope that's the reason why he's mad. He brings me spaghetti and meatballs for dinner and I want to scream at him – but I don't. I stay silent and simply put the meatballs to the side. I swear I see him smiling as I do this. Torturing me in the slightest ways must give him satisfaction. All of a sudden, his angry demeanour changes and is replaced by a new emotion: curiosity. He states that it's 'dress-up' time. He instructs me to put on the newest dress he has bought for me. It's poufy and pink, and I swear it looks just like all the other dresses he's given me. But apparently this one is different, according to Dane. I put on the dress and stand there waiting for him as stares at me, rubbing his index finger and thumb underneath his chin.

"It's missing something," he says as he cocks his head sideways.
"Perhaps a bow," he turns around and reaches into the drawer, taking out a pink bow. He steps forwards and rustles through my hair, adjusting it to the side. He stands back, examines me once again, then shakes his head in disapproval. He turns around to the dresser again. "What?" I demand. He turns around quickly to face me, scanning me head to toe.
"Something's off. I don't know why." He says.
"What do you mean off? Am I not a good enough doll for you?"
He sighs, then hesitates before answering. "I think it's the bags underneath your eyes Reign. Have you not been sleeping well?"
I almost choke at how ridiculous this man is. "Are you kidding me? Perhaps I have bags under my eyes given my circumstances. You expect me to look pretty and perfect every single day while I'm being locked in your fucking basement?" I yell. "For fuck's sakes." And then he laughs. This man actually laughs. But he doesn't answer me. Instead, he turns around and begins going through the drawers again. "I'm not her you know." I speak up. "I'm not Breanne. And I never will be."
This grabs his attention. He turns around slowly until he's facing me. "What did you just say?"
"I'm not Breanne!" I yell. "So stop trying to find her in me."
He looks at me like I'm crazy. "Breanne?" he asks. "Where on earth did you hear that name?" I glare at him, not answering. Then he laughs again; a loud, rumbling chuckle that almost echoes throughout the room. "Oh, let me guess. Avery told you that one, didn't he?" The way he says it – like he knows something I don't. Something in my stomach twists. "What other lies has that boy been feeding you, Reign?" I don't want to answer him. I don't know if he's lying or just trying to confuse me. I don't understand. Then he laughs once again. "That son of a..." he fades off.
"I'm not her, okay?" I say again. I choose not to believe anything he says. He's bluffing. Trying to confuse me. Then he walks over to me. I back up against the wall, trying to compress my body as far away from his as I possibly can. He brings his face so close to mine that I can smell the mint gum that he's chewing.
"Breanne, eh?" he says slowly. "Why don't you ask Avery who that really is." Then he turns around and exists the room, leaving me standing there, back against the wall, stunned.

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