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In my dreams he is here. He's telling me to follow him and to come outside. I tell him that I can't – that I'm chained to the bed. Then he kisses me. And then he's on top of me. And I always wake up after that – gasping for breaths that I didn't know were taken away from me.

I used to fight with my dad a lot. After he and my mother separated when I was twelve, he always seemed to be agitated; like something was constantly bothering him. This was just before he started drinking. He'd get angry and annoyed over the simplest things. Like when I left the lights in the kitchen on, or when I wanted to hang out with my friends. I guess it was his way of showing me that he cared. Because once he was consoled by the alcohol, he left me alone. I remember this one time – probably in the eleventh grade – when I asked him if I could take the car to a friend's place downtown. He told me it was too far. I asked why. He said it was dangerous – that I could get in an accident if I was too far from home. I told him he was being paranoid and that I'd be fine. But that escalated things even more. I remember screaming at him to just let me be and to let me go. He said no and that was it. I ran upstairs to my bedroom and slammed the door behind me. I cried on my bed and wished my mother was there to defend me. But now, sitting in this room thinking about it, I realise that I'd give anything just to have him yell at me; to hear his voice; to know he at least cares about me. I wonder what he's doing now. Does he lie awake at night, disturbed by the mystery of my whereabouts? Does he have hope? Does he think I'm dead? Has he given up on me? I bet his drinking has gotten worse. He has nothing to live for anymore. Just this thought has the ability to make my heart ache. I wish things could be like before. Before it all went to hell. Why do things have to go to hell?

Dane comes down to see me on Saturday morning. He gives me a plate of scrambled eggs, and I find myself longing for the pancakes that Avery made. He tells me that we have big plans for the day.

"Like what?" I ask in between bites. I didn't realize how hungry I was this morning until the food was right in front of me.
"I'm taking you out." His words are slow – methodical, as he grins.
I nearly choke on the food in my mouth. "What..."
"It's a surprise. You'll find out soon enough."

I can't help but feel worried. The last time Dane Donavon had a surprise for me, someone ended up dead. I swallow what's left in my mouth, then push the plate aside. I've suddenly lost my appetite.

He tells me to dress warm because it's cold outside. I put on black track pants and a baggy blue sweater. I can't believe I'm actually going outside – although it is with Dane this time. I'm finding the concept difficult to grasp. It feels too good to be true. We can't be going somewhere nice. That wouldn't happen. There's a growing mixture of fear and excitement growing in my stomach. Wherever he plans to take me, it can't be good. Is he going to kill me? No. He'd do that here. At least, I think he would. I can't be certain about anything. But why would he want to kill me? Avery says that I'm his favourite. The thought of that makes me cringe but I guess I have to use it to my advantage. It's fair game here, and if I'm his favourite, I sure as hell will make sure to never let him forget it.

Dane loops his arm through mine as we walk up the stairs and through the front doors. I don't even have to act surprised to fool Dance into thinking that like this is my first time exiting the house. I'm honestly and completely star struck by everything. The leaves have fallen off the trees and the ground is covered in a light blanket of snow. I didn't know it even snowed here. He watches my facial expression; the way I take in my surroundings. The innocence of it all. He enjoys it. I hear the front door open from behind us and I turn to see Avery pulling a beanie over his head and hustling over towards us.

"All ready to go?" Dane asks his son. Avery nods and climbs into the passenger seat of the van. The same van that Dane abducted me in. Once I realize this, I begin to shake. I don't want to go in there. I feel my pulse quickening. I'm frightened all over again. Dane notices and tries to coax me down. "Shhh, it's okay Reign. We're just going for a little ride,"
"No," I shake my head. "I... I don't want to."
"You don't really have a choice, darling." he smiles. Just like that, I begin to cry; light, pathetic tears running down my cheeks. The air is cold so the tears stick to my face. Dane reaches his hand towards my face and wipes the tears away with his glove. I know I don't have any other options, so I'm compliant as he leads me to the van, places me in the seat, and straps me in. "I don't think I have to warn you not to try anything, do I?" he asks. I shake my head.

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