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Dinner tonight consists of extra cheesy lasagna with a side of roasted potatoes. Jo and I sit across from one another, each wearing a pale polka dotted dress. I must admit, I've gotten quite used to them now, regardless of that fact that they are the most uncomfortable pieces of clothing I've ever had to wear. Avery sits adjacent to me, one empty chair in between us. I notice him staring down at his empty plate. He almost seems as miserable as I am. I guess that's what happens when your father is a sociopath. Almost on cue, Dane walks into the room, gracing us with his presence, smiling as he holds a large dish in between his oven mitts. He sets it down in the centre, then takes his seat at the head of the table. He pours himself a glass of wine, then passes the bottle to Avery. "Cheers." he smiles and takes a sip from his glass.

Dinner is painfully awkward. Dane attempts to make conversation. I don't bother answering and Avery stays quiet. Luckily for me, Jo is in a talkative mood tonight and somehow manages to keep him entertained enough that he doesn't question mine or Avery's silence. Once I'm done scooping the last bit of potatoes into my mouth, I lean back in my chair, holding my cuffed hands underneath the table in front of me.

"Finished already Reign?" Dane asks.

"Yes. I'm full."

He nods his head and takes another sip of wine. Then he pushes out his chair and stands. "So," he begins, looking around the room. "Is there anything that anybody wants to share tonight?" he asks, then turns his head. "Jo?" he stares at her.

"What?" she looks just as confused as I do.

"Hmm, nope, not Jo," he says. "Maybe," he turns and points his wine glass at me. "Reign?"

"What are you talking about?" I ask, glancing between Jo and Dane.

"Hmmm, we're getting warmer," Dane says. "I know!" he looks at Avery. "It's your turn to share, son!" Avery stares at his father with his eyebrows furrowed. "Oh, you don't want to share with the family? Okay, I'll share for you." Just then, Dane reaches into his pocket and brings out a folded piece of paper. Oh God. My piece of paper. I feel my heart as it sinks in my chest. My pulse quickens and I immediately feel the sweat building in my underarms. Dane unfolds the paper and clears his throat. "Dearest Colby," he begins.

"Stop!" Avery shouts and stands up. "Where did you get that?"

"Oh," Dane chuckles. "This right here? It was just lying around the living room."

"You went through my room," Avery says, trying to hold back his anger.

"Of course not son." Dane smiles.

Avery stares at his father, enraged and ready to explode. I turn to Jo, worried about what is about to happen. Before I can ponder any further, Avery dives across the table and tackles his father, their bodies connecting as they fall backwards and hit the ground. Jo and I both gasp in unison. The bottle of wine falls off the table and shatters on the ground, dark red liquid staining the beige carpet. Avery is rolling on top of his father, trying to pin him down to the ground as he manages to get a few punches in. It is then that I realize I'm frozen. I blink rapidly a few times, then manage to stand up and push away from the table. I walk backwards until I feel my back touch the wall. I look up meet Jo's horrified gaze. "RUN!" I yell to her. She looks over at them once more, then back up at me – like dear in the head lights – and darts out of the doors behind her. I run the opposite way, turning and heading through the long corridor that could potentially lead me out of here. I hear Dane yelling and louder commotion arising from the dining room. I run with my hands still cuffed in front of me, not daring to look back. I reach a set of double doors and pull them open. I'm met by a large room with a fire place and red patterned carpet. No exit here. I turn around and head back down the hall, opening each door hoping I find a way out of here. Why are there so many damn doors? How big is this place?

It's then that I notice the silence. All I can hear is the sound of my own heart pounding through my chest. I walk carefully, opening another door and seeing a winding stair case leading up. Maybe if I can get up there I can find a balcony or roof, perhaps a way out. I run as fast as I can towards the staircase, hope in my heart that I just might make it out of here. But just before I reach the steps, I'm tackled from behind and we both hit the ground. He rolls me over and slaps me across the face before pinning me down by the shoulders. I begin to sob as I feel the hopelessness take over. I almost made it. I was so close. Dane stands me up and drags me back towards the basement, face a dark shade of red, cursing along the way. I've never seen him this angry before.

"You thought you were so smart," he says as he pulls me by my arm. "So smart that you thought you could actually get away from me. Well newsflash Reign, you're not going anywhere. And that stunt you pulled in there may have just cost your little partner-in-crime his life."

"Don't hurt him!" I shriek. "It was my idea, I forced him to do it!"

"Yeah, well you should have thought about that before dragging other people into your own mess." We reach my bedroom and he throws me onto the bed, my face connecting with the mattress. He grabs the cuff from the floor and snaps it onto my ankle. "You will be punished for this Reign. But right now I have to deal with my son." he says through clenched teeth, then storms out and slams the door, leaving the cuffs on my wrists.

I guess that answers my suspicions that the rooms are bugged.

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