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I sit in my room in an almost delirious state. Something about today is making me feel weird, but I can't quite put my finger on what it is. Perhaps I'm malnourished, I'm really not sure. I feel tired – no, exhausted. Like the weight of my bones increased by a ton and every breath that I take is a chore for me. My eyes are sore – almost like when you've been reading too much and they start to get red and sting from having them open too long. But I haven't read anything since last week. What the hell is wrong with me?

I have a distant memory from when I was around four or five years old. It was nearing midnight and I came downstairs crying to my parents. I told them I wasn't feeling well, so they took me to the hospital and we found out that I had an ear-nose-and-throat infection. It was awful. I remember the distinct feeling of exhaustion and heat from the fever. One moment I would be throwing off the blankets because I was sweating so much, and the next I was shivering. It was an awful week. Now I sit here and wonder what could be wrong with me now. Could it be food poisoning? It's not like I've eaten any raw meat – or meat in general – lately. Perhaps it's a cold or flu. But can someone even contract a virus like that if they've had no outer world contact? Or maybe Dane has been drugging me again. My mind begins to race as I think of all the food he's fed me lately. Could this explain why I feel so out of it? Maybe I'm just being paranoid. Maybe I am just malnourished.

I'm distracted from my worried thoughts when I hear a knock on the door. I watch carefully as the knob twists. The door opens and Dane stands there with Tori beside him. What the hell?

"Hello Reign," he says as he walks in with Tori at his arm.
"What's going on?"
"Oh not to worry. I just thought I'd bring Tori in here to spend some time with you. You wouldn't mind that now, would you?"
I don't answer right away. I try to read him to figure out if he's plotting something. I decide he's not. "Um... sure. Ya, of course." Dane walks over with Tori and attaches her leg to the spare cuff and chain that lies under the bed. Once she's all locked in, she sits on the bed and looks at me.
"Hi," she smiles faintly. I turn to look at Dane. Is he going to leave? As if reading my thoughts he says he won't keep us, then exists the room. Thank God.
"How are you?" I ask quickly, scanning my eyes over her body. "Has he hurt you?"
She shakes her head. "I'm fine, I guess. About as fine as someone can be in this situation."
I release a deep breath from my nose and think for a moment. "I'm sorry." I say. "This is all my fault. I never should have lured you here. You probably hate me. But you have to understand–"
"It's okay," she interrupts. "None of this is your fault. It's clear to me that you were forced against your will. I can see that now."
I feel a slight relief flood my body. This whole time I was so worried that she hated me. "I'm sorry. This should never have happened to you."
"Or you," she says and puts her hand over mine. It's quiet for a moment; like neither of us know what to say next. "How long have you been here?" she asks finally.
"Um... well, since September."
Her eyes widen. "Oh wow..."
"Yeah. I guess I've kind of gotten used to it. When I first got here I would cry myself to sleep every night. Wondering where the police were. Wondering when someone would come find me. But, I think I've just..." I stop myself. What am I doing? I sound depressing and pessimistic. I don't want to take her hope away – it's all she has. I have to remind her that it will be okay, even if I don't believe my own words. "Sorry," I say. "I know it's scary, but we will get out of here."
She looks doubtful, but nods her head anyways. "Dane told me to... um..." she stutters, then comes right out and says it: "Who is Jo?"
My heart sinks. "Pardon?"
"Nothing, never mind," she looks away from me.
"No, tell me."
She turns her gaze back to me but looks hesitant. "It's nothing. It's just... Dane mentioned someone named Jo. And well, I was just wondering..."
"Who she is?" Tori nods. "She was a girl here. From a few days before I arrived. We became friends,"
"Is she still here? I haven't seen anyone else –"
"No," I say. "She's not here."
"We can just talk about something else," I suggest.
"Is she dead?" she asks. I'm caught off guard. I don't know what to say. I don't want to lie to her but I don't want to tell her the truth either.
"No," I finally say. "No. She's just gone."
It's quiet again. "So where are you from exactly?" I ask.
"Ohio. I was born there. Then we moved here to Cold Springs when I was eight."
"Where's Cold Springs, sorry?"
She pauses and looks at me with a confused look in her eyes. "Are we... are we not in Cold Springs?"
"No," I say. "I think we're in um... Carson City. On a lake or something,"
"Lake Tahoe?"
"I think so,"
"Oh, we're not too far from my home then."
"Well, Lake Tahoe is only about a fifty minute drive from my place,"
"That's strange,"
"That he took you so close to home. I'm all the way from San Francisco."
"You're kidding..."
I shake my head. "Quite a drive, isn't it?"
"That's why I don't know if they're looking for me. I'm not even home anymore. But at least for you... they may be close."

Suddenly I feel like I'm going to throw up. My eyes feel heavy and my head is nauseous. "Are you alright?" I hear her ask. But I can't answer. I'm so dizzy. I reach out to grab her arms for balance but I feel myself topple over and everything goes black.


When I finally gain consciousness, my head is aching. I open my eyes slowly and see that I'm in my bed and Tori is gone. I quickly try to sit up but the blood rushes to my head and I'm forced to lie back down again. Then I hear his voice.

"Hey, just stay still." Avery says in a gentle tone.
I struggle to open my eyes again, then turn my head to find his face. There he is. He's sitting next to me staring into my eyes."Avery," I mumble.
"Hey kiddo,"
"What happened?"
"You passed out. You have a fever,"
"A fever? How?"
"I think you're sick, Reign."
"Where's Dane?"
"He's upstairs. He came in here when you fainted and called me down to get Tori. Then he took your temperature and such, saw that you had a fever, and now he's upstairs making you a homemade remedy of some sort. He told me to watch you. Just in case."
My throat itches and I cough. "What am I sick with?"
"Not sure. Could be a common cold or flu of some kind."
"Avery," I mumble. "I feel awful."
"I know," he leans closer and places the back of his hand on my forehead. "You're still really warm,"
"I need to see a doctor,"
His face drops and he looks sad almost. "I'm sorry Reign. We can't take you there. You know that."
"But I'm sick!"
He sighs. "Dane dealt with me my entire life through colds and fevers. He's actually quite smart you know."
"Avery, please," I beg. "You can't leave me here. I don't trust him. Please,"
"Reign," he winds his fingers through my hair, not meeting my eyes. "You'll be fine. I promise."
"Did he poison me? Or drug me? What did he do to me?"
"Nothing. You're being paranoid. Everything will be fine, don't worry." My chest feels heavy and I can't control the tears when they come. "Hey," he whispers. "You're okay. I promise."
I reach out and put my hand on his cheek. "Please," I cry to him. "Please."
He stares at me for a moment, then gently removes my hand from his face. "I'll go check on Dane, okay? Be right back." then he stands up and leaves the room.

It's not too long before Dane and Avery return. Dane is holding a tray in front of him and Avery has a cloth in his hand. They both approach me. Dane sits down beside me and I see that the tray has a cup and a bowl on it. Avery stands beside me and places the cloth on my forehead. It's cold.

"I made you some soup. It's vegetable, don't worry," Dane smiles. "And here's my famous herbal tea that I made Avery when he was young. It works like magic, I swear by it."
I squint my eyes as I stare at him, as if that will somehow reveal his true self. "Are you trying to poison me?"
Dane laughs. "You are ridiculous sometimes."
"You do remember the time you drugged me, right? The time you strapped me to a chair and fucking electrocuted my body?" I'm trying to sound strong but it comes out as weak. My throat is sore and I can barely talk.
Dane disregards my words as he sits on the bed next to me and lifts the bowl of soup. "Sit up a bit," I frown. I don't want to eat his soup or herbal medicine. "Reign," he warns.
"You have some first," I nod towards him.
He rolls his eyes. "Whatever helps you sleep at night," then he puts the spoon to his mouth, slurps, then swallows. "Believe me now?"
"Fine," I say, and try to scoot my body into a sitting position. Avery sees me struggling and lifts me up a slightly to position me against the wall behind.

Dane dips the spoon back into the bowl and brings it to my lips. I feel the warmth engulf my mouth. It doesn't taste bad. It's comforting in a way. I swallow and open my mouth for another spoonful. He continues to do this until the bowl is almost empty. I tell him I can't eat anymore and he hands me the mug of tea. "Drink this," he says. And I do. Within minutes after drinking a few sips, I feel drowsy again. Either my body is terribly worn out or Dane put some kind of sedative in there. Before I can pursue this thought further, my eyelids flutter close and I'm out again.

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