Chapter 17

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Dipper began to run after the car.
Screaming, yelling for it to stop, but it wouldn't. (y/n) notice he was running towards the car, so she went to go tell the driver to stop, but she then realized why he was chasing the car, she was in danger.
She turned around and started banging on the window trying to break it to escape, but it was no use. She sees Dipper stop and yell something a few minutes later Mabel comes toward her brother with the golfcart. They begin to chase after (y/n), and she still bangs on the window.
"You're not got to escape, (y/n)! I got you this time and soon you're never going to see those two ever again!" Bill says
Very fast, the anger builds up inside her. She goes right up to the face of the poor victim of Bill, and punches him in the face. Figures, you're very weak, and the punch does nothing.
"You really shouldn't have done that!" Bill said, now slamming on the gas! Dipper and Mabel try to catch up as much as they can but the car is to fast for them in there golf cart.
But the real danger begins now, for they have just passed a sign that says "CAUTION:CLIFF IN 2 MILES"
The fear in Dipper just skyrocketed.
"Mabel! We have to get to her fast!"

Hey guys! Hope you guys liked this chapter! ! Thanks for all the reads!

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