Chapter 5

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(Y/n) POV

The next day, the three of them woke up and went down stairs and watched some TV. But while they were watching there favorite TV show,Ducktective, an emergency news report came on TV.

"Breaking news everyone. We have some terrible news." says news reporter Sandra Humanas. "This morning we found child physic, Gideon Gleeful, dead." she concluded.

"What! How could this happen?" Mabel and (y/n) said.

"I don't know. But he's in a better place now." Dipper said . He wanted to tell them about what happened, but he felt like this wasn't the right time. Especially he didn't want to tell (y/n) about what that thing did to her parents.

"Yeah. I guess your right." (y/n) said.

Once the news commercial was over, they finished watching Ducktective and had something to eat. After that they went to the arcade and played a few games. Then when the arcade closed, they went home and had dinner and went to bed. (y/n) and Mabel were both fast asleep but Dipper wasn't.

Dipper's POV

When Dipper fell asleep, he had a dream that he would never forget. The dream started in a black room then a huge hole appeared on the floor. He fell in it and what he found himself in is a black and white version of the Mystery Shack.

"What? Where am I?" Dipper said uneasy.

"You're in the mindscape kid." A voice said, but there was no one around. Dipper recognized that voice. The first and last time heard that voice was when he was with Gideon.

"Wait. I recognize that voice. Your the thing that killed my friend Gideon." Dipper said.

"Wow, some one catches on fast." He said mocking Dipper.

"Show yourself now." Dipper said in an angry tone.

"No problem." He said then a few feet away from Dipper, this yellow triangle appeared. He had a top hat, a bow tie, and one big eye. "The name's Bill Cipher." He said.

"What do you want?" Dipper said.

"Listen kid, (y/n) is mine." Bill said. "Your getting in the way of plans and if you date her, I will kill you." Bill continued.

"(y/n) is not yours and she will date who ever she wants. Dipper said.

"You don't get it kid. She can't love you." Bill said.

"Why? How do you know what's best for her?" Dipper said. " I don't care what you say Bill. I will never stop loving (y/n). Get out of here and leave me alone."

"Fine. I will leave but i will be watching you. Remember, reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold bye!" Bill said then disappeared then Dipper woke up.

"It was only a dream." Dipper said relieved but then he saw something on his arm. It said "The dream was real and I am always watching. - Bill." Then under that it said "Look what I did to your other hand." He looks over at his hand that was covered in blood and had a triangle engraved in it. He looked over and saw that (y/n) and Mabel were still asleep so he got up and walked to bathroom quietly to take care of his injury. Then Dipper said "I don't care what Bill says or how many times he hurts me, nothing and I mean nothing will break my love for (y/n).

Hey guys! Hope you guys liked this chapter! ! Thanks for all the reads!

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