Chapter 11

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"But how?" Dipper asked.

"I think I know who can help us." (Y/n) said. They pack up their things and left the library. Then they began to walk back to the shack. As they walked in, they found the right person they were looking for.

"Wendy! We need your help." (Y/n) told Wendy.

"Sure. What the problem?" Wendy asked. (Y/n) and Dipper both looked at each other.They decided they could trust Wendy, so they told her the whole story. And Wendy knows how it feels to loose someone. She lost her mom when she was only 5.

"(Y/n). I'm so sorry. I know how you feel, but i don't think I can help you guys. If i knew who killed my mom well then i would probably kill them too. But I don't know how to  kill an all powerful demon. So sorry dudes." Wendy concluded as she left work since it was getting late. So they had dinner and went to bed. Mabel was sleeping over at Candy's house so she wasn't home.

"H-Hey (Y/n)." Dipper said.

"Yeah?" She responded.

"Are you mad at me?" He asked. There was silence for a few seconds.

"N-no... It's just... you knew that finding out where my parents were meant a lot to me. Then finding out earlier today that they were monster hunters was cool. But then you told me that they were dead, and it was possibly the worst thing ever.Then you said that Bill killed everyone and i'm next. That's not something people want to hear." (Y/n) said saying the last part with a little smile. "If you asked me how I am feeling, then I am feeling great/scared/nervous/angry." (Y/n) concluded.

"I-I'm sorry (Y/n). I never meant for this to happen. I didn't want to tell you...." Dipper said until he was interrupted.

"Tell who what?" Mabel said as she walked in the door.

"Mabel what are you doing here?'' Dipper asked quite surprised by her presence. "I thought you had a sleep over with Candy and Grenda." he concluded.

"Well..." She began to say as a flash back came to her mind.

Mabel's POV

"Welcome to the WWE. I am your host for tonight's competition. We are in Candy Chiu's basement with tonight's competitors." Mabel announced on a hairbrush pretending it was a microphone. "Hear in the left corner we have General Fluffy Puppy." Mabel said as Candy, who was dressed as a referee, raised the giant stuffed animals hand in the air. "And in the right corner of the room we have...drum role please...the one ... the only...Gorgeous Grenda!" Mabel said as Candy came over to Grenda and raised her hand. "Now lets begin the match."




"Fight!" Mabel said. As she grabbed her phone and played the "John Cena" theme song. Then Grenda came running at the poor stuff animal as Mabel and Candy were scream from the sidelines and cheering her on. In seconds, the stuffed animal was ripped to pieces. Once the song was over, Candy came up to Grenda and held her hand in the air.

"Gorgeous Grenda is the winner!" Candy spoke as they all cheered. But then....

"Girls! What is going on down here!" Mrs. Chiu said as she looked around at the destroyed basement.

(Y/n) POV

"Mabel...Mabel..." (Y/n) said as she was snapping her fingers in front of Mabel's face.

"Sorry." Mabel said. "We actually got banned from Candy's house tonight."

"What! Why?" Dipper said. So Mabel explained her whole story.

"Now I know not to get on Grenda's bad side." (y/n) said.

"Yeah...But what were you guys talking about earlier?" Mabel said still curious.

"Nothing...It's not important." Dipper said.

"Well...I'm going to bed now guys." Mabel said.

Then the three of them went to sleep. But Bill payed a little visit to (Y/n). Everything was fine in (Y/n)'s mindscape until everything turned black and white.

"Well,well,well. I underestimated Pinetree. I never thought he had the guts to tell you about your family." Bill said appearing in the air.

"What the hell do you want Bill." (Y/n) said putting her hands into fist.

"It seems you found out a lot about your family today." Bill said.

"And that has to deal with you how?" (Y/n) said sarcastically.

"Well since your parents were monster hunters, they knew how to kill beings like me." Bill said.

"Why didn't they?" (Y/n) said a little curious.

"Ow! That hurt my non-existing feelings." Bill said sadly.

"I'm sooo sorry." She said sarcastically.

"You're so much like your mother. Always sarcastic. And you look so much like her." Bill said.

"Quit the small talk Bill. What do you want with me. You already took everything I had."

"Not everyone..." Bill said manically laughing.

Hey guys! Hope you guys liked this chapter! ! Thanks for all the reads!

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