Chapter 16

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Two weeks have passed since anyone of them has seen or heard Bill. Those two weeks were peaceful and fun! They explored places, fought monsters, hanged by the pool, and binge watched the entire series of "Ducktective". But all that happiness ended on one faithful day. The three of them were hanging around in the gift shop. Then all of a sudden you hear Soos say "Mr.Pines? What's that code word I am supposed to use when I see a government vehicle?" Then Stan ordered everyone to leave the gift shop at once. We knew this was serious, because he would never do anything like this.
When the gentleman walked in, (y/n) noticed him at once. It was one of the nice policemen that helped her when the last of her family died.

"Is (y/n) here?" He asked. But he seemed different. He was wearing sunglasses so you couldn't see his eyes at all and his voice seemed a little different since that last time they spoke.

"Yeah, what do you want?" Stan asked, annoyed with him, and wanting him to leave.

"Well I am afraid to say this but when we last saw her she told us that she was related to you. But it turns out that she isn't so she is going to have to come with me." The man said. And with those words, (y/n)'s heart shattered.

"What? No! I'm not going with you to an orphanage! I am perfectly happy here and Stan said he would take care of me!" (Y/n) said either eyes welling up with tears.

"I am sorry, dear, but you have to come with me. He is not related to you so you can't stay with him. Say your goodbyes and get your stuff. We leave in 5" The man said very sternly. (Y/n) turns to face Mabel, Stan, and Dipper with tears in her eyes, and by now they have tears too.

"Stan, thanks for taking me in when I didn't have anywhere to go." She said to Stan and gave him a hug. He is full blown crying right now.

"Mabel, what can I say. You were probably my only true friend and I will never meet someone as funny as you every again!" (Y/n) said not getting choked up. "I...I'm going to miss you Mabel!" She said as they both hug each other and cry into each other's shoulders.

"While you say goodbye to Dipper, me and Stan will go get your bags." Mabel said, still a little choked up. All (y/n) could do in response is nod. Now (y/n) and Dipper were alone.

"Dipper, I....." She began to say, but was pulled into a passionate kiss. One that she will never forget.

"I love you, (y/n)! Don't you ever forget that." Dipper said now crying hard.

"I am going to miss you too, Dip!" She concluded as they both hugged each other for the last time.

"Alright, (y/n). Ready to go?" The man asked. She saw that Mabel and Stan were back with her bags.

"Well I guess this is goodbye forever now....I will never forget you guys!" (Y/n) said with tears rolling down her cheeks. Then (y/n) headed to the car and Mabel, Stan, and Dipper all stood outside and watched them get packed up and ready to go. But Dipper saw something. Right as the both of them got into the car, he saw the man take off his sunglasses in the rear view mirror. And the eyes he saw were no stranger to him. Those were the eyes of Bill Cipher.

Hey guys! Hope you guys liked this chapter! ! Thanks for all the reads!

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