Chapter 8

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Dipper's POV

After he kissed (y/n) goodnight, Dipper went to bed. Everything was alright...until everything turned black and white. He knew, right away, that Bill was here. Then Bill appeared out of thin air.

"You again." Dipper said.

"Did you miss me? Admit it you missed me." Bill said sarcastically.

"What do you want?" Dipper said annoyed.

"Listen. I told you to not date (y/n)." Bill said.

"I told you that I will do whatever I want. You're not the boss of me." Dipper said sticking up for himself.

"You have 2 options. You either break up with (y/n) tomorrow or ...i will make your life a living hell." Bill said threatening Dipper.

"What do you mean? If you hurt (y/n), i swear i will...." Dipper said but got interrupted by Bill.

"Listen kid, i got big plans coming and i don't need you and your lady friend getting in my way." Just give me (y/n) and no one gets hurt." Bill said.

"Never." Dipper said.

"Fine. But don't say I didn't warn you." Bill said. "Remember, reality is and illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold bye!" Bill concluded as he disappeared. Dipper shot up in his bed and look at (y/n). She looked so peaceful.

"I will protect you, (y/n)." Dipper whispered.

Then Dipper fell back asleep. Soon morning was here and it was time to go to the fair. They got up, ate some breakfast and went to the fair.

"So what do you guys want to do....." Mabel says as she begins to look around, but a flyer catches her eyes. "OMG A PIG!" Mabel screams. The flyer reads "Win a Pig" so Mabel runs off pushing people out of her way to get a pig.

"I guess Mabel really likes pigs." (y/n) said to Dipper.

"Yeah. She always wanted one but our parents never let her get one." Dipper said. Moments later Mabel comes running back to show us her 15 pound pig named Waddles.

"Guys! Look at my pig! I called him Waddles because he WADDLES!" Mabel said. "Well i am going to go ride some rides." Mabel said leaving with Waddles.

"So now she has a pig." (y/n) said. "What do you want to do now?"

"Anything you want." Dipper said.

(Y/n) and Dipper played many games and went on various rides. Mabel spent the whole day the same way but with her pig. Later that day, Mabel went back to the shack and (y/n) and Dipper stayed at the fair.

"Can I show you something?" Dipper said.

"Sure what is it?" (y/n) asked.

"It's a surprise." Dipper said and grabbed (y/n)'s hand and took her to the ferris wheel right before sunset. They got on the ride and rode all the way to the top and stopped. They were up there for about 5 minutes as they watched the sunset. (Y/n) put her head on Dipper's shoulder and he wrapped his arm around her waist.

"The view up here is breath-taking. " (y/n) said.

"I love you (y/n)." Dipper said.

"I love you too, Dipper" (y/n) said then kissing him.

Once they got off the ferris wheel, they headed back home. Both of them ate dinner and went to bed. Mabel was already sleeping. So the two of them went to sleep.

Bill's POV

"Well Pinetree clearly didn't listen to me AGAIN!" Bill said getting angry. "If he won't listen to me.....Maybe he will listen to someone else." Bill concluded as he entered (y/n)'s mindscape.

Hey guys! Hope you guys liked this chapter! ! Thanks for all the reads!

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