Chapter 12

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As Bill started maniacally laughing, (Y/n) woke up. As she looked to the one side of the room,  she saw Mabel, fast asleep, with Waddles by her side. As (y/n)'s eyes shifted over to the other side on the room, she saw an empty bed. Immediately, (y/n) made a mad dash towards the door to find Dipper. He wasn't in the house. So she went to check the front door. As soon as she opened it, a bright yellow flash appeared, almost blinding her. Then once again everything turned black. There was just an empty black room. Then Bill appeared.....but he wasn't alone....

"Let me go!" Dipper shouted, tied up to a chair, struggling to break free.

"Bill! What do you want? Let him go!" (Y/n) said, glaring at the demon. Then she began to run forward to help Dipper, but she couldn't. There was some kind of invisible wall between her and Dipper.

"Now what should I do first...." Bill said, eyeing down the scared boy.

"What do you mea......" (y/n) said, before she saw something that would scar her for life. She saw her boyfriend, possibly the only person who actually really loved her, die a torcherous death.

"Now you're next, kid!" Bill said, then everything went black.

"(Y/n)! (y/n)! Wake up! You're having a nightmare!" Dipper said, trying to wake up (y/n).Soon, she shot up from her horrid sleep.

"Where..." (Y/n) said panting. Then she looked over to see Dipper. Ok and unharmed. Then she pulled him in for a hug. "Oh Dipper...I thought I lost you" she said with tears rolling down her cheek.

"It's ok (y/n). I am here now. And I won't leave your side." He said as they both drifted off to sleep, in each others arms.


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