Chapter 1

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(Y/n) POV

Today is the last day of school before summer break and your ready to do a bunch of fun things and go on awesome adventures. Finally the bell rings and it is time for you to go home. You get on the bus and start heading for home while your talking to your only friend.

"Hey (y/n). Are you excited for summer to finally be here?"

" Yes! Finally no more work and no more getting up early"

You and your friend talked on the bus the whole time until something terrible happened.

" Hey (y/n), do you her those sirens?"

"Ya. I wonder where they are coming from."

You get off at your stop, but you  have to walk down this long street to get to her street. You live with your grandma since you have no siblings and your parents disappeared a long time ago and when  you ever ask you grandma about your parents she always changes the subject. While your walking down the long street, the siren noises seem to get louder.  Starting to panic, because you smelled smoke, you ran to your house as fast as you can hoping everything is fine. But that is where your wrong. Your house is burnt to the ground and your grandma, your only family, is no where in site. You see a few firefighters and ask them where your grandma is.

" Excuse me sir" (y/n) says on the verge of tears. " where is my grandma?"

" i am very sorry little girl. But whoever was in this house is not here anymore."

"What do you mean?" (y/n) says already crying by now.

"Your grandma is dead."

(y/n) did not know what to do. She was completely alone now. With no one to go to. We'll there is one person. A man named Stan Pines. He use to date your grandma but they broke up years ago.

"Little girl" the firefighter said. "What is your name?"

"(y/n)" you said barely being able to speak.

"We'll (y/n) , Did you live here with your grandma?"

You nodded indicating yes.

"Do you have any other family?"

You had to think. If you told him the truth then you would have to go to an orphanage, and you did not want to do that. So the only person you knew was that Stan person but you never met him. But your grandma use to tell you about him. He seemed to be nice. Anything would be nicer than an orphanage. So you decided to tell the firefighter about Stan. But you did not want to lie so you came up with a plan.

" Yes sir, i do have more family."

"Could you please let me know who they are so that you can go live with them."

"We'll I have no siblings or parents. But i do have another relative. His name is Stan Pines and he lives in Gravity Falls, Oregon."

"Would you like to live with him?"


"Ok. I will make sure you get to his house nice and safe with new things since nothing survived the fire. I will go get you a few things you would need like more clothes and a suitcase."

"Thank you."

"We will take you back to the fire station and we will get you a bus ticket and get you down to Gravity Falls. Hopefully you should be there by tomorrow morning. You probably should call him and let him know that your coming"

Now this part (y/n) did not think of. What was she supposed to do. Call a person she never met before and say "Hey. My name is (y/n). I have no family  so i am coming to live with you. I will be there tomorrow morning." There was nothing else to do except to pray that when you call him that he does not answer his phone.  You pick up the phone and call him. Thankfully he did not answer. That was the only thing that went you way today.

It is 6:30. Exactly 5 hours after the fire. The nice firefighters gave (y/n) dinner, new clothes, a suitcase, and a bus ticket that said 7:00, which was the time that her bus leaves for Gravity Falls.  So after her dinner, the fire fighters brought her to the bus station. Then (y/n) said thank you to the fire fighters. and the last words she said was "good bye home." She got on the bus and was headed to Gravity Falls. The bus driver went over the PA system and said "You"re headed to the little town of Gravity Falls. Please make yourself comfortable. We will be stopping at other places to pick up more people. This bus should arrive in Gravity Falls by 2:00 tomorrow afternoon." So you sat there on the bus and eventually fell asleep. You woke up around 8:30 the next morning. You were at some little bus stop in California. Two kids got on the bus. They both looked like they were 12, also your age.  One was a girl. She was wearing braces and a pink sweater with a shooting star on it with a matching headband. The other one was a boy. He was wearing a green hat with a star on it, a navy blue vest, a red shirt, and gray shorts. He actually looked a little cute. What am i saying a don't even know this kid. They went all the way to the back of the bus.  Maybe you will get to know them more.  After they came on the bus you just played on your phone for a little then before you knew it you were in your new home. Gravity Falls.

Hey guys! Hope you guys liked this chapter! ! Thanks for all the reads!

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