Episode 38: The Apology

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Episode 38: The Apology

Honestly, I’ve always wanted to use a phrase like this: feelings are like arseholes. Everyone’s got one and it isn’t nice to play with someone else’s. That being said, when you do play around with someone’s heart, an apology is required. This is the story of how Angelina tried to apologize.

      Tuesday 17th August 2010, “Fuck off slag…”

          I woke up feeling groggy and tired. I quickly rushed into the shower and was greeted with cold water that made me shiver and shake uncontrollably. After, I brushed my teeth, wore my uniform and left the house to go to school.

I arrived at school still feeling off and weak but I just made my way upstairs and into the form two classroom and rested my head upon my arms and fell asleep briefly. I felt as if the whole day was just going to be annoying. I didn’t feel like being in school yet I was already there. The only thing I could look forward to was meeting Erika. She would make my day better.

‘Oi, what’s going on?’ I heard someone call to my left. I raised my head to see Corey with his fist extended. Honestly I thought: ‘why is this idiot waking me up’ but as I looked in front of the class, I could tell the English lesson had already begun.

‘Nothing… how long has the lesson been going on for?’ I asked Corey. He lost concentration as he stared in front of the class. His eyes were blank and he had no expression on his face. He looked dead.

‘You gonna answer the question?’ I asked. His attention snapped back instantly.

‘Oh, just a minute ago or something. You didn’t miss anything really.’ He replied. His attention slowly drifted away and his gaze was elsewhere.

I tried to listen to Mrs. Bibiton, I really did but my mind was buzzing with useless thoughts. I couldn’t keep my thoughts still. I wasn’t in the mood for school and I just wanted to get home where I could rest. After two irritating lessons, I was finally let out for break. I grouped up with Erika and Corey and we went to the canteen to get some food. As I was grabbing my juice, I looked back to see Angelina stare into my eyes. I swallowed deeply and I was temporarily stunned.

‘Oi, Lee hurry up man.’ Corey called from behind Angelina as he raised the hand that held onto his juice for no reason. I followed but my eyes were still locked onto Angelina’s eyes. There was something about that gaze that was so… so… It wasn’t as if they were attractive, they just caught your attention.

‘Howcomes you were out of your senses back there?’ he asked.

I was staring at my feet as I kicked them to and fro while we sat at our benches.

‘Nothing really. I just felt a bit off. It’s just that Ang…’

‘Hey guys!’ Erika interrupted as she approached the bench we were sitting at.

‘Hey what’s up?’ Corey replied as Erika sat down and started munching her crisps.

‘Nothing really… jus’ ‘avin a annoying ‘eadache’ she said as she munched on.

‘Hey…’ I heard a soft and cool voice call from behind me. It was gently yet demanded me to turn around. When I twisted around my bench, I saw Angelina standing right there.

‘Could we talk for a moment please?’ she asked.

I looked back at both Erika and Corey and they were both giving Angelina a ‘you’re not welcomed look’. My mind was unsettled. I didn’t know what to do. Whether I should be rude to her or be a man about it and talk to her. I chose the latter so I stood up and we paced a few metres away from Corey and Erika.

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