Everything Good Must End

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Makaila's POV


     Charlie popped The Empire Strikes Back into the DVD player, and flopped down onto the couch next to me. As the main theme played, my heart began to race with excitement. I'd always dreamed of doing something super awesome with Charlie, and this definitely counted as awesome. I mean, who doesn't love Star Wars? People with no souls, that's who. But I soon began to notice that the further we got into the movie, the closer Charlie and I got, physically and emotionally. We would laugh at the occasional joke that was told, and I learned that her favorite Star Wars character was Princess Leia, and I told her that my favorite was Han Solo. But my favorite part was just before Han was about to be frozen in a block of carbonite, when Leia said, "I love you!", and Han responded with "I know." I kind of felt bad for Leia, but it was still awesome. As we both turned to look at teach other, our noses accidentally touched because we were so close. I was the first to blush and look away, while Charlie grinned from ear to ear, before giving me a peck on the cheek. I looked at her in shock, but unfortunately, Danielle chose that exact moment to leave her voice message. I swear, if this was Harry Potter, that message would have been a Howler. Of course, being the responsible person that I am, I briefly excused myself to call her back. She seemed pretty pissed, and when Liz got there the first thing she did was yell at me, but it was okay because Charlie was holding my hand the whole time.

Liz's POV


     Cas seemed pretty reluctant to sing karaoke, so I just let him sit at the bar and observe. After singing a few songs though, I was in dire need of water, which the kind bartender gave me for free. At least, I think it was water. But I guess it didn't matter. The more songs I sang, the more water I drank, and the fuzzier the nightclub became. Cas was getting pretty concerned, but he worries too much. I took a break after the sixth song, I believe it was, to let someone else have a turn. I sat down heavily at the bar next to him, and tried to reassure him that I would be all right.

"It's okay, Cassy! I'm totally fine. In fact, it's you who has to lighten the hell up. Come on, dance with me!", I said, grabbing his hand and tugging him towards the dance floor.

"But Elizabeth, I do not know how to dance.", he said, starting to panic.

     "Well I guess I'm just going to have to show you, then!", I said, releasing him when we were in the middle of the floor. As the person singing finished, the DJ put on a slow song. As the first few notes oozed out of the speakers, I instantly recognized the song. Elvis Presley's I Can't Help Falling In Love With You. Makaila, Danielle and I had all read Twist and Shout in seventh grade, so the significance was not lost on me. I had the chance to change the personal meaning of the song, so I took it. As Cas stood stiffly in front of me, I placed one of his hands on my waist and firmly grasped the other.

"What do we do now?", he asked.

"We just move back and forth, like this." I pulled him into a gentle sway. "Perfect."

Shae's POV


Everyone had left us at the bar to go get Liz and Cas, so it was down to the two of us sitting inside, watching the rain. I was beginning to regret wearing a muscle tank, because the bar wasn't much warmer than outside, probably because of the weather. So to take my mind off the chill, I struck up a conversation with Sam.

"So I guess they left us, then. We must be chopped liver."

He snickered quietly. "Yeah, I guess. What do you think they're doing right now?", he asked, gazing out of the window.

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