Breaking the Tension

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Makaila's POV

     The car ride to the bar where we left Liz and Cas was kind of amusing, in a way. Danielle was staring stonily at the road, while Charlie and I were making faces at each other. She would cross her eyes, I would wiggle my eyebrows, silly things like that. I'm not even sure if Danielle realized what we were doing in the back, as the only clue we were giving that we actually having fun was our muffled giggles. I could tell that Danielle was having a mental argument with herself, and judging by her muted hand gestures she was losing. As we gave directions to the bar, the rain started to slow down. We had to shield our eyes from the bright lights of the bar when we parked. Getting out, my heart quickly sank.

     "Karaoke night? Oh no..." I said, trailing off as I imagined all the possible things Liz could be doing. We walked quickly into the bar, where the God-awful sight of a very drunk Liz singing one of her favorite songs awaited us. I marched up the stairs of the stage, grabbed the microphone from her hands and pushed her to where the rest of us were waiting. The horror on Dean's face as Liz began making a slurred speech perfectly mirrored what everyone must have been thinking.

     Danielle quickly interrogated her, and then handed her over to me. Great, I thought. I'm stuck with the inebriated nutcase. At least Charlie was there, though. Her smile was very comforting when I had to restrain Liz from running off when we put her in the car. Fast forward a few minutes, and there were five of us all piled in Danielle's Cadillac, driving back to the bar to Shae and Sam, listening to Liz's commentary the whole way there. This was going to be a long, long night.

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