And Then There Were Two

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Danielle's POV

I stood there, in the middle of the parking lot, staring off down the road. Liz stepped beside me and asked, "Who stole your car?" Was the answer not freaking obvious? Did she not notice how quiet the bar got?

      "Shae and Makaila! They took my freaking car!", I shouted into the dark. I angrily yanked my phone out of my pocket and pulled up my Contacts list, jabbed Makaila's number and held the phone to my ear. As the phone rang once, twice, I felt a strong hand on my shoulder. Turning, I stared straight into the depths of Dean's light green eyes. As my eyes widened, I realized that I was shaking out of anger.

"Hey, it'll be okay. Just call them and tell them to get their asses back here.", he said in my ear. I slowly came to the conclusion that he was right, and that my friends were going to get an intense verbal beating when they got back. As the phone rang for the last time and went to voice mail, I took several deep breaths to keep my temper in check.

     "Alright, here's what we're going to do.", I said in a quiet, deadly tone. I turned and looked at Liz and Cas. "I am going to call these bitches and find out where on God's great earth they went with my car, and then Cas is going to take Liz and zap to wherever they are. Liz, you will drive them all back with Cas. And NO side stops, unless it's for gas or to tell them off. And then..." I paused. "Things might get ugly."

I violently pushed the voice mail button, leaving a scathing, threatening message- "Alright, you four better pull over that car and tell me where the hell you guys are planning on going with my car. You know exactly who this is and how to call me."

As I tapped the Send button, I slumped against the outside wall of the bar, tilting my head up to the sky. As I stared at the clouds, I felt two raindrops fall gently on my face. Taking my glasses off, I rubbed my eyes and pushed myself off the wall, where my eyes met with a pair of light green ones. Liz and Cas were giving each other concerned glances, and I couldn't help but laugh darkly.

"Well,", I said to Dean. "At least you have bragging rights now. You've gotten to see my dark side, and we just met an hour ago." He snorted in response.

"You haven't seen a dark side until you've seen your brother possessed by Satan himself." I nodded in agreement.

"I suppose you're right..." As I trailed off, my phone ran. Snatching it from my pocket, I answered the call.

"Makaila, this better be you!", I spat as I hit the speaker button. Laughter from the other end of the line echoed across the lot.

"No, it's the pizza man. Yes, it's Makaila. Is there a problem, officer?" I swear, I could hear her devious little smile through the phone.

"You think?! You stole my car and you're wondering what the problem is?!", I hissed as I pressed two fingers to my left temple. "Where are you?"

"We're with Sam and Charlie, at the bunker watching Star Wars. At least, Charlie and I are, but I'm not sure what Sam and Shae are doing." Great. At least they're at a place that's safe.

"What about Meg? Where is she? I vow on Reggie's grave, if there is even so much as a dead bug on the windshield, you will wish-"

"Relax! Your precious Meg is fine."

As I exhaled in relief, I covered the phone's microphone. Looking at Cas, I told him our little convict's location. Grabbing Liz's hand, he disappeared with a soft whoosh and a warm breeze. Turning back to the phone, I heard a distant, angry, conversation between Cas and Makaila. Hanging up, I sighed, realizing that it was just Dean and I.

"And then there were two...", I said softly.

"Well, maybe we can turn this into a positive.", he responded, glancing upwards at the rain, which was starting to come down harder. He pulled the keys to Baby out of his pocket and unlocked the door. "Would you like to continue this conversation in my car, out of the rain?"

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