My Car Is A Confessional

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     I quickly checked the manual to make sure I was doing everything the way I was supposed to, pushed several buttons and backed out of the parking space carefully. As I turned and drove out of the parking lot, I gave a last glance at my friends in the rear view mirror, who were standing there, watching me leave. I returned my gaze to the road ahead of me as it vanished and turned into a Parisian alley. I killed the headlights and parked the car as quietly as I could.

"And now, we wait.", I muttered, pushing the Invisibility button next to the radio. "Well, thankfully, we don't have to worry about people wondering why there is a strange contraption sitting in an alley."

"What? Where are we?", Dean asked, obviously confused.

"We are now completely invisible to anyone outside of the car. And we are in an alley in downtown Paris in 1870, sometime in the winter. As soon as the fop wakes up," I glanced in the back seat to make sure he was still there. "we kick his ass out of my car and make sure he doesn't do anything stupid in the mean time."

"Huh. So, if we were to step outside, people would stop and stare because they thought they saw two people appear out of thin air?", Dean asked, quirking an eyebrow.

"Yes. So please don't.", I replied quickly, turning in my seat to get a closer look at Raoul. "You know, you said he looks like Cinderella's boyfriend, but right now he looks more like Sleeping Beauty to me."

Dean smirked and laughed. "So how long do you think we'll be waiting for Prince Charming here to wake up?"

I snorted. "Probably ten to fifteen minutes." Dean seemed a bit disappointed at the ETA. But why would he be disappointed? I'm sure he wanted to get back to his car. "But Prince Charming? Hardly. If I could tar and feather him, trust me, I would in a heartbeat."

"And why would you want to do that?", he asked, giving me a curious glance. Oh God, I was going to go on an inspired rant if he wasn't careful with his questions.

"Well, for starters, he's a jerk. He didn't believe Christine when she told him about the Angel of Music. Secondly, Christine could have had a happy life with the Phantom, but the fop had to barge in and ruin everything. He stole her from her true love, basically. And third, look at him! He looks like a high school girl!", I finished my scornful explanation.

"So, you're a believer in true love?", he asked, scanning the area ahead of the car.

"I am, as a matter of fact." Where was he going with this?

"Well, so far, I don't know if this is true love or not, but I do like you. A lot, actually." Hey, at least he answered my question before he completely blindsided me. I blinked in shock, turning my head to look at him in a new light. My crush from my favorite television show just said he "liked me a lot". I was not used to this, to say the least.

"So my car is a confessional, now? Because if it is, I might as well continue the trend. To be truly honest, I like you a lot too.", I responded, unblinking. He exhaled the breath he had been holding.

"Would you stop looking at me like that?", he asked suddenly. I smiled and suppressed giggles.

"Like what?", I asked innocently.

"Like you're trying to read my mind. It's freaking creepy!", he said, shifting uncomfortably.

I threw my head my head back and laughed. "You're looking at a girl who's idea of fun at age fourteen was going to a cemetery with a digital recorder to try and see how many EVPs she could get in one night."

Dean gave me a surprised look. "Seriously? Fourteen?"

I nodded, my smile fading. "Fourteen. Back then, the dead were easier to talk to then the living. And now, well, sometimes they still are."

He whistled softly. "Whenever I talk to the dead, they always try to kill me." I giggled quietly.

"Well, you have to be polite with ghosts. They have higher expectations than we do when it comes to etiquette.", I said, like it should be obvious.

"So attempting homicide is okay, but rudeness is not to be tolerated?", he asked sarcastically.

"But of course! It makes perfect sense, doesn't it?", I said teasingly.

     He sighed, shaking his head. "Hey, you're telling me." He stretched his arms and casually let one of them fall around my shoulders, shooting me a sideways look. I smiled, and scooted closer to him in return, resting my head on his chest. Men make the best pillows, I thought to myself. Not that I had ever had a man to use as a pillow. I was always kind of hopelessly single, as my friends had put it. I frowned, thinking about it. Dean kissed the top of my head. "Is something wrong?"

I sighed. "I was just thinking of how my friends used to call me hopelessly single."

Our eyes met in the rear view mirror. "Does that make me your first boyfriend, then?"

A small smile and a blush creeped up my face. "I suppose it does, if you're willing to be my boyfriend."

"Alright, I guess it's settled then. I am officially your boyfriend, and that would make you officially my girlfriend." This was the happiest I had been in a very long time.

As we sat there, enjoying each others' company, Raoul made himself known by groaning loudly in the backseat. I rolled my eyes, sighed in frustration and turned around, pulling him up into a sitting position by his shirt collar.

"Alright, asshole, you are going to get out of my car and forget about the past few hours. You will go back to Christine and pretend like nothing's happened." I glared at him.

"And I would suggest not making any other idiotic choices, but, you being you, I doubt you would listen to any good advice that anyone gave you. So get out of my car, find yourself a hotel room, and get out of my sight before I shoot you for your insolence.", I hissed, finishing. Being the coward he is, he quickly opened the door and bolted. I reached in the backseat, closed the door with a slam and sat back down in my seat.

"Well, that takes care of him.", Dean said, turning his attention to the view out of the windshield.

I chuckled darkly. "He is going to have one hell of a headache in the morning. That horseback ride is going to kill him."

Dean's eyebrows furrowed. "Horseback ride?"

I started the car again, backing up. "Yep. In the movie, he chases after Christine on a white horse tomorrow morning." I shook my head. "He thinks he's so heroic."

Dean raised his eyebrows. "Well, back to my dimension, then?"

I nodded. "But of course. On to our next adventure!", I said loudly as the car appeared back on the road to the bar. "And here we are..."

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