Like Magnets

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Liz's POV

     Practically giddy with excitement, I had to control the urge to run up to Cas and hug the angel out of him. Calmness isn't always my strong point, but hey, they say opposites attract. And I am Castiel's opposite in a lot of ways. I'm loud, a bit crazy, and that one person who's always telling jokes and making wisecracks. Someone has to be, in my group of people. My friends are a little too serious, sometimes. At least I know Danielle and Makaila are. I'm not so sure about Shae, though. In fact, you might say that I'm better suited to Gabriel, but he's dead, so... or can angels really die? I should get caught up in Supernatural. But Cas and I also have many similarities, like how we both have to act like the parent in many situations, like the time when Danielle had a severe panic attack in ninth grade. And yes, we have been friends for a while. I've known Danielle since third grade and Makaila since seventh. But please, excuse my rambling. I took a deep breath to ready myself, and decided to take the flirty approach. As I sighted my target sitting in a booth across the room, I tossed my medium length brown hair over my shoulder. I confidently strode across the room and slid into the seat across the table from Cas.

"Hey baby, did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" Cas tilted his head and gave me a confused stare.

"Yes. How did you know that?" I chuckled, then peered at him through my lashes.

     "You're funny. It's just an expression, though. But anyways, what's your name, angel?" Cas gave a nervous glance in Dean's direction, although Dean already seemed preoccupied with Danielle. Dang, she was fast. Suddenly, Eye of the Tiger started playing throughout the bar. I looked quickly to the jukebox, where Makaila was giving me a devious grin. I shot her an annoyed glance in return, the looked back to Cas.

"My name is, uh, Castiel. What is yours?" Obviously Cassy here didn't have a lot of experience with flirtatious women, judging by the slightly terrified expression on his face, so I decided to turn it down a notch. I gave him a sympathetic smile.

"My name's Elizabeth, but my friends just call me Liz. Thanks for asking! So what are you doing out here, Castiel?", I asked him. He seemed to calm down a little bit when I stopped had toned down the flirting.

"I am here accompanying my friends. They all thought I should come with them, so I decided to join them in coming here."

"Hey, we've all been there. In fact, that's why I'm here, too. But I'd rather come out here and maybe meet someone new than stay home by myself. Are those your friends?", I asked, tilting my head in Charlie, Sam and Dean's directions. I could feel him leaning towards me ever so slightly, like we were opposite ends of two magnets.

"Yes, they are. We are all very close to each other. Would you like to hear a humorous joke?", he asked. An Angel of the Lord telling a joke? This should be fun.

"I would love to hear a joke, Castiel."

"Why is six afraid of seven?", he began with a very serious face. I knew exactly how this joke went, but it would still be fun to hear it from him.

"Is it because seven is a prime number, and prime numbers are intimidating?", I asked, making a direct reference to Supernatural. He shook his head.

"That is what I originally thought, but that is not the correct answer. Apparently, six is afraid of seven because seven ate nine." He gave a cautious smile, and I laughed quietly.

"That is a very good joke. Where did you learn jokes like that?", I asked.

"My friends. They enjoy doing playing practical jokes, along with telling normal ones.", he said, giving an accusing look to Dean, who was still absorbed in his conversation with Danielle. "But I believe it is my turn to ask where you come from."

Surprised, I blinked and tried to think of how Makaila would have answered to the same question. Going with my instincts, I replied. "Um, well, me and my friends all hail from Minneapolis, Minnesota. We all work at the college there, except for Shae," I nodded in Shae's direction. "she works at a tattoo parlor. We're here for a hunting expedition."

If Cas was a dog, his ears would have just perked up. "What do you and your friends hunt?"

I shrugged. I figured that I could tell Cas that we hunted monsters without him calling the police.

"Demons, ghosts, vampires, and the occasional werewolf.", I stated calmly, pursing my lips. Cas sat up straighter in his seat.

"That is very interesting, because that is what they," he gestured to Charlie, Sam and Dean with his hands. "that is what they do. I am an Angel of the Lord, I help them and act as a fictional guardian angel to them." I smiled ruefully.

"I thought the name 'Castiel' sounded familiar. I take it you serve God, then?", I asked, raising an eyebrow, a trick that took me years to master. Cas hesitated.

"Yes, mostly.", he mumbled as he looked down at the table.

"Are you okay, Cas?", I asked softly, reaching for his hand. His head shot up suddenly and his eyes focused on my face as I gently took his hand. His eyes widened when I carefully covered his hands with my own.

"Y-yes, I am alright.", he stuttered. He cleared his throat and looked down at our hands. "Thank you for comforting me."

     "You are absolutely welcome. It's okay, we've all had those days.", I responded with a small smile. As we sat there, with me looking at Cas, and Cas staring at our hands, I felt a wave of connection pass between us. Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Danielle spring from her seat and fly out the door of the bar, with Dean hot on her heels. Cas and I immediately looked up to see them leave abruptly. I always did tell Danielle to try out for track back in high school, because she was one of the fastest people I've ever met.

"Dean! Where are you going?", Cas shouted as we both jumped out of the booth and followed Danielle and Dean. Stepping outside, I saw Danielle shouting curse word after curse word, and then say something about a missing car.

"What's going on?", I asked Dean hurriedly.

"Somebody stole her car!", he replied, giving a concerned glance at Danielle. I quickly moved from Dean to stand at Danielle's side.

"Who stole your car?", I pressed.

"Shae and Makaila!", she shouted into the dark. "They took my freaking car!"

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