Mask Shopping

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Amazingly, the Doctor had the perfect dresses for the event in the wardrobe in the TARDIS. Well, considering the fact that the Doctor had outfits for every time period and book genre, it wasn't all that surprising. Of course, when you go to a masquerade, you have to have a mask, but that seemed to be the only thing in the massive wardrobe that was missing. So off to the mask store we went.

     "Should I do the teal and gold mask, or the teal and white?", Liz asked while holding both options up to her face.

"Well, considering that it's completely hiding your face, either way you should look better than you usually do.", I answered with a devious grin.

"Hey...", she whined with a mock pout, sticking her tongue out at me. "You're mean!"

"Aww... thanks!", I replied.

"Would you two start acting like adults? Jeez, I feel like a babysitter.", Makaila told us as she appeared from the other side of the shelf.

"She started it!", Liz and I shouted at the same time, pointing at each other. As Makaila hid her face and turned around, Liz and I burst into laughter.

"You know I was just kidding, right?", I asked Liz.

"Of course I do, stupid!"

"Hey! Watch who you're calling stupid, peasant!", I said loudly.

"Could you three keep it down over there?", the Doctor complained as Makaila joined Liz and I at the mask shelf.

"What? I wasn't shouting! That was all them! They started it!", Makaila whined, pointing accusingly at us.

"Well, I'm going to end it. Ladies, we have to leave soon, so hurry up and pick your masks.", Rose stated as she joined the Doctor, who was standing in front of us with his arms crossed. As they left to pay for their masks, we all had a brief fit of eye-rolling.

"Okay, seriously, which mask?", Liz asked with a concerned expression.

"Teal and gold", Makaila said, while looking for her own mask.

"I agree. It's a good thing that we're going to wear masks, because I'm in the middle of a zit episode.", I muttered while studying the newest eruption in an old mirror.

"Hey, consider yourself lucky. These shoes are going to make me tower over every guy there. Even you guys call me Moose, after Sammy.", Makaila pouted as she stood next to me in front of the mirror. She actually was pretty tall, and next to her, I looked vertically challenged, even though I'm average height for my age.

"My problem is, I don't know if I can even walk in these shoes!", Liz joined in, hobbling over to us. "This dress makes my chest look huge!"

Well, that's kind of the point of corsets, my friend. To make your waist painfully tiny and your chest painfully huge. I can hardly breathe!", I told her. "Remind me that Paris is only fun in modern times if I ever want to come back."

"Well, you are the one who wanted to come so she could make out with the Phantom.", Liz muttered as Makaila snorted in laughter.

"Watch it, peasant.", I hissed at her.

"Well, you know it's true.", Makaila teased.

"You are all insane. When we get back, I'm locking you up in an asylum.", I said as I rolled my eyes at them.

"You'll probably join us in a year or so." Makaila grumbled as she picked up a green and black mask.

"Alright, my ladies, time to leave!", Rose called across the room.

"You know, in this time, we could be considered old maids, because they marry so young around this time. The average age of girls when they get married was about fourteen. We'd be considered old and undesirable.", I told my friends as we left the shop.

"Well then, I guess we should maybe, oh I don't know, embellish how old we are? I was thinking, maybe, fifteen? Oh come on, that's only ten years younger than what we actually are.", Makaila suggested.

"Sounds good. So, what do us fifteen year olds do now?", Liz asked quietly.

"I guess we'll have to find out.", I smirked as we walked towards the Opera Populaire.

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