It's Just A Car!

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Makaila's POV

     I couldn't believe that I was about to meet Charlie! While my friends had fallen in love with Cas and Dean, I was attracted to Charlie's awesome geekiness. It would be so amazing to have someone to talk about Star Wars and the Hobbit with. Of course, my friends like Star Wars and the Hobbit, but they never really talk about it with me. I think that my Star Wars shirt was an excellent choice on my part. Who can resist the charms of Darth Vader? Certainly not Charlie. As I browsed through the songs, I found the perfect choice- Eye of the Tiger. It definitely set the mood for Supernatural, considering it was featured at the end of Yellow Fever. I could've picked Heat of the Moment, or I Can't Help Falling In Love With You, but I didn't want to send anyone into a pit of despair in front of their crushes. Or did I? Danielle gets pissed off pretty quickly, so I figured I didn't want her to kill me right there in the bar. Liz, not so much, but when she gets mad, you want to make sure you get behind a solid wall before she explodes. And Shae? I'm not so sure about her... I've never even met her before today. She seems kind of insane, but then again, who here isn't?

     I sighed, thinking about today's events. Some people are surprised to learn that I'm demisexual. But I guess preferring Charlie to the guys kind of gives that away. Liz and Danielle are bi, and I think Shae hinted that she was in the car, but, to be honest, I'm not always good at picking up hints. But it's kind of awkward, being the minority. I just shrugged the thought off and glanced to see what my friends were doing. Danielle was already talking with Dean, and it looked like their conversation was starting to get heated fast. Which was surprising, because Danielle hardly ever gets attention from guys or girls, even though she's really pretty and has a personality to match. I honestly feel bad for her, because while Liz and I had had a few steady boyfriends or girlfriends, Danielle was just inescapably forever alone. But I guess Dean was the exception. Liz was giving me a glare from across the room, probably because of the music playing throughout the bar, although it looked like Danielle hadn't noticed the song. I looked away and snickered. Sometimes it's fun to piss them off.

     As I leaned against the wall next to the jukebox, I noticed Charlie examining my shirt from across the bar. I casually pulled my phone out, and thankfully the bar had wifi! I opened my Inbox to check if I had any messages, which I didn't, and scrolled through some older ones to look busy. As I closed the program and turned off my phone, I heard footsteps approach the jukebox and a familiar voice say, "Hey, I just noticed your shirt and I wanted to say that I think it's really awesome."

I smiled, my heart pounding, and responded. "Thanks! Your shirt is pretty cool too." She was wearing a Superman shirt. I swear, her smile lit up the entire room. She laughed.

"Thanks! And I see you like 80's music? That's my friends' favorite genre...", she said, glancing at Dean, who was listening intently to something a slightly distraught Danielle was saying. "Do you know her?", Charlie asked, referring to Danielle.

"Yeah, she's one of my friends. And I'm Makaila, by the way.", I responded, tearing my gaze away from Danielle and back to Charlie. "And yes, I do like 80's music, along with Disturbed." Charlie smiled again.

"I like Disturbed too! And I'm Charlie.", she said, holding her hand out for a handshake which I returned. This was going very well so far.

"Well, do you like the Hobbit? Or how about Harry Potter?", I asked, knowing she would say yes to both of them.

"I love both of those! Do you like to LARP?", she asked, her voice getting higher.

"Yes! Me and my friends LARPed for Halloween last year.", I said, trailing off, remembering how we were each a Supernatural character, Liz was Sam, I was Cas, and Danielle was Dean. We had salt in our pockets and went around throwing it on people dressed as demons or ghosts.

"Really?! Who were you?", she asked. I couldn't exactly tell her who we were, so I just gave a very vague answer.

"Oh, just characters from a show we all watch.", I said as I shrugged.

"That's really cool! We should get to know each other more.", she said, moving to lean against the wall next to me.

"I would really like that!", I responded, smiling from ear to ear. She nodded, and then her face lit up like she had an idea.

"You know, I've got all of the Star Wars episodes back at the bunker...if you want to have a movie marathon with me?", she said, giving me a hopeful look. I had dreamed of this moment for ages!

     "That sounds awesome! Let's go then, shall we? I can drive, you just have to give me directions. Is it alright with you if we go in my car?", I asked, knowing that Danielle probably wouldn't mind if I just borrowed "Meg" for a little bit. After all, it's just a car! It's kind of sad how  Danielle loves it so much. Not only did she give it a name, she talks to it, too. She is such a dork.

Charlie nodded. "That's fine! My friend drove me here, anyways, and he'd be pretty mad if I took his car."

     I grinned, and I felt the butterflies in my stomach do somersaults. "Great! Let me just get the keys." I walked quietly up behind Danielle and took the keys off of the bar when she had her back turned. I walked back to Charlie, and explained, "I gave my keys to my friend, because I tend to forget where they are." She nodded in acceptance. As we walked towards the door, Shae ran up behind me.

"Hey, where are you guys going?", she asked with concern.

"Oh, we were just going to head over to Charlie's bunker to watch Star Wars.", I responded, wondering why she was so worried.

"Cool! We were just hoping to go to Sam's place! Maybe we could hitch a ride?", she asked, giving me a very good Puppy Face impression. I glanced over to Charlie, who nodded her approval.

"Sure!", I said, then whispered, "Just don't tell Danielle or Liz."

She made a locking motion with her hands. "I won't tell a soul." I nodded, and then headed for the exit again, with Sam, Shae, and Charlie following me. As I unlocked the door and sat in the driver's seat with Charlie at my side, I wondered how Liz was going to react when she realized we were gone. I'm sure she'll be fine... I thought. It was Danielle's reaction I was slightly worried about. I turned the key in the ignition, the car roaring to life. Thankfully, the music in the bar was pretty loud, so it should have been loud enough to drown out the cars' loud engine.

"Alright, which way am I turning?", I asked, with Sam and Charlie trying to give me the best directions to the bunker. I sighed happily. I can't believe this is actually happening... I thought. Today has been so awesome.

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