Let The Sun Rain Down On Me

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Shae's POV

*Flash Back*

      The first thing Sam did when we got out of the car was grab my wrist, pull me out of the car and into the bunker. I had only seen it the inside through a television screen, so it was definitely new to see it in person. As I stumbled along behind him, struggling to keep up with his moose-like speed, I was able to catch glimpses of several rooms. Finally, he stopped at the doors to the library.

      "Well, here we are. When we go on cases, the local libraries aren't always the best, so we made our own. Typically, I'm the one who spends the most time here, which is probably why Dean always calls me a huge nerd.", he said before opening the door. The number of books took my breath away, even though I had technically seen it before. This was a paradise, for me at least.

"Wow..." I breathed, taking a few steps inside. "This is awesome..."

Sam gazed upwards at the books, smiling as he shut the door carefully behind him. "Yeah, it took a while to acquire, but it was definitely worth it." I walked over to a table, which had several open books on it, and picked one up.

"A History of Mythical Creatures? Wow. This could have been really useful to have earlier.", I mumbled under my breath. Being a time lady meant that I had to clean up certain messes, and quite a few times they involved mythical creatures.

Sam sighed, watching me carefully flip through the pages. "I was doing research in here earlier. I'm sorry about the mess."

I laughed. "If this is a mess, then it's certainly an amazing mess!"

"Well, if you say so.", he said, shrugging and smiling.

"Absolutely! This place is incredible!", I said before I ran up to him and hugged him. "Thank you for bringing me!"

He almost fell over with surprise when I did that, before hugging back. I could've given him warning in advance, but decided not to, as being spontaneous is fun! As we stood there enjoying the moment, angry voices rose from the living room. We broke apart, and I could hear what sounded like Cas and Makaila arguing. Suddenly, Charlie poked her head in the door.

"Well, it looks like the party's over. Time to go back.", she said, and I could tell she was trying to hide disappointment.

Sam's brow furrowed in confusion. "But we just got here!" He sighed, and then muttered "Fine, fine." He put down the book he had picked up and looked at me. "I guess we have to go."

I gently set A History of Mythical Creatures back on the table, my face falling. "It probably has something to do with Danielle's car...", I thought aloud.

He gave me a curious look. "Who's car?"

"Danielle's. The car that we were just riding in, uh, yeah, that's not Makaila's car. She just 'borrowed' it without asking. And I know that because Danielle would never let Makaila use her car.", I answered as we walked back to the door of the library.

"And that's why we're leaving?", he asked as he held the door open for me.

"Yep. I don't even want to know what she is going to do to her. Makaila is really in for it when we get back.", I said in the hallway.

"Really? Danielle seemed like a pretty calm person at the bar.", he said.

"She's actually really cool, as long as you don't purposely piss her off. But if you make the mistake of doing so, she turns into one of those 'calm before the storm' types.", I answered as Sam led the way back to the front door, where Charlie, Makaila, Elizabeth and Cas were waiting.

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