It's my birthday

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They were done and I was finish with my book. I was pretty much bored out of my mind.

Aaron:So is there anything to do here?

Zane:Yeah I'm a little bored as well.

Elisabeth:Well I guess you could go get a book to read.

Then I pointed at my shelf and Aaron went over and looked for a book.

Aaron:I really want a book with myths and stuff. Got one.

Elisabeth: Probably don't have one. I could go in town to look for one of you want.

Aaron: I would really like that.

Zane:Can you also get some cookies?

Elisabeth: Fine Zane. I'm doing this just because your my brother.

I got up and got some money and went into town. I looked at my local book store and looked for the book. I found some books I liked and I finally found a book that Aaron was looking for. I payed for it and went to the bakery and bought some cookies and I went to the castle and I went in my room and I saw the two of then taking a nap. I set the bookend cookies on the floor in front of them and I put my books on my deck next to my bed and I went to the bathroom and took a shower.

Then I went back in my room with the towel around my body and my hair wet. I went to my dress and got some pajamas and I put a blanket on there heads and I got changed. When I was done I got the blanket off there heads and I went to bed and turned off the lights.

When I woke up I saw that Zane was eating the cookies and Aaron reading his book.

Aaron: Morning. I hope you had a good night.

Elisabeth: I hope you did as well.

Zane: Just saying these cookies are ok. I thought you would do better.

Elisabeth: Well I didn't make those cookies. Anyways why don't you just guys had any clothes on when I first met you?

Zane: Well we thought we died but I guess we didn't.

Aaron: Yeah. Sorry about that.

Zane: So how is controlling Dragon eye going for you?

Elisabeth: It's going pretty well.

Then I went to my dresser and I got my clothes and u told them to turn around and I put on my clothes. Then went I was about to say it was ok the door slammed opened and they got a birthday cake and they smiled.

Nicole: Happy birthday Elisabeth.

Nekoette: Elisabeth who is those two.

Elisabeth: Thanks a lot guys. I really appreciate it. Those two you should figure out on your own.

I walked out and I grabbed the cake and Nekoette followed me and I placed it on the kitchen table and cut out a cake. I started to eat it and Nekoette too. It was an ice cream cake with whip cream on top and a strawberry. 

Nekoette: So does Elisa~Chan like the cake Nekoette made?

Elisabeth: Yeah I do. Thanks a lot. 

Nekoette: Your welcome Elisa~Chan. Thank you for teaching Nekoette how to make cakes like this.

Elisabeth: Your too cute.

We kept eating until Zane came in and cut himself a piece of cake. He ate a piece and he sat down next to me and I stared at him confusingly and then he looked at me with his eyebrow raised. 

Zane: What are you looking at?

Elisabeth: Well I didn't know that you had a sweet tooth like me. 

Zane: Well I don't. I was just hungry. 

Nekoette: The only way you're getting another piece is that you give Elisa~Chan a present.

Zane: I got a question for you.

Elisabeth: Yeah and that is?

Zane: When everyone thought you were dead who helped you out.

Elisabeth: Well some guys and stuff.  

Zane: Why didn't you look for use or scream and stuff?

Elisabeth: I forgot my last name and where I lived. I forgot my parents and brothers. What's the point. I rather live with some people that saved my life then people who I don't remember. 

Zane: Wow. Not even this face.

Elisabeth: I can already tell that your not going to get a girlfriend.

Zane: Well I don't need one. Also Garroth is trying to hunt you down because you stole his boxers.

Elisabeth: I'm ok with that. 

Nekoette: Hey Elisa~chan. You want some tea Nekoette made.

Elisabeth: Sure. 

Zane: I'll have some too.

Nekoette: Make some yourself. 

Then she went in the kitchen and got out some tea and I drank some and it was a little bitter, but some sugar could fix the problem. 

Nekoette: So how is it Elisa~Chan?

Elisabeth: A little more sugar and it's prefect. 

Nekoette: Ok. Nekoette will try to remember that. 

Zane: Yeah it is kinda bitter. 

Elisabeth: And just for that your going to get a kick.

Zane: What?

Then I stood up and he looked confused and I turned Nekoette around and I kicked him between the legs and sat back down. 

Zane: Mother of Irene. Why in the world did you do that?

Elisabeth: Nekoette you can turn around now.

Nekoette: What did you do to him?

Zane: She kicked me in the -

I put my hand on his mouth and looked at him and looked at Nekoette.

Elisabeth: Don't you dare tell her. She has a too pure mind to be filled with your knowledge. 

Nekoette: Tell me what?

Elisabeth: Go give Aaron and the others a piece of cake ok Nekoette.

Nekoette: Ok Elisa~chan.

Then she took the cake and ran off. I looked at Zane with an angry look and I kicked him on the head to the ground and I sighed and stood up and stretched. I yawned and decide to talk a quick nap. I went in my room and no one was there for me to see. I went in my bed and covered myslef in my blanket and fell asleep. 

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