Chapter Seven

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Chyna Korea Santiago Jones

After school, Kate, Stephanie, and I were driving back to my house. We were going to get ready for the party tonight. I knew that I was excited because I get to party with my two best friends in the world. We were going to have the best time ever. At least, I think I'll have the best time. 

Kate "Sushi" Rodriguez

I was thinking about what Stephanie and Chyna told me and I don't know if I should do it or not. But they were right. How would I know if Hakeem would fuck up again once we are back together? I don't want to end up in rehab or in jail for this nigga. That shit is not going to happen. So tonight I'm forgetting all about Hakeem and his issues and fucking party til the sun comes up.

Chyna Korea Santiago Jones

Stephanie was in the shower and Kate was already dressed. I was always the last person getting ready for something. But the reason was that Tremaine kept on texting me. He was talking about how much he loved me and how bad he wanted to see me body on his. I knew that he wanted me and everything; but I wasn't trying to turn out like Nixie. I had too much self-respect for myself.

Stephanie finally finished getting dressed and came out the bathroom. I put my phone down and went to take a shower.



Minutes later, I was done and we all looked bomb and fly. We left my house, got in my car, and we started driving off to Nixie's house. Surprisingly, I didn't know if Nixie wanted to have a party or not because she hasn't caused drama for nobody. I'm safe to say that she's officially innocent. 

We pulled up to Nixie's house and it was packed as shit. I was surprised she got a party together in 2 hours. That girl can really throw a party and the people really know how to have a good ass time. All three of us got out of the car and went on inside of the house. There was like 200 people in Nixie's house. Everyone was doing their own thing whether it was dancing, drinking, smoking or even making out. When I looked to Kate and Stephanie, they went about their separate ways.

But I wasn't completely alone because I spotted Tremaine from a distance. I didn't know if he noticed me; so I just walked around looking like I was lost. I stopped in my tracks and felt eyes looking at me. Then I felt hands wrap around me. I turned around and it was Tremaine. 

"Hey." I said. "Hey." Tremaine said pressing his lips against mine. "I got a question." I said. "Yea." Tremaine said. 

Before I could even ask my question Lolly by Maejor ft. Justin Bieber and Juicy J came on. I dragged Tremaine onto the dance floor and we started dancing. I sang along with the song too.

She say she love my lolly

She wanna make it pop

She say she love my lolly

She wanna kiss the top

She say she love my lolly

She love my lollipop

She say she love my lolly

She say she love my lolly

[Verse 1: Maejor Ali]

She say she love to party, girl, I love your body

Why you on the table? Cause you know I'm watching

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