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It's now 9 o'clock and the party is still lively for being so formal. All night I've been talking to men and women while hanging out with Yukari and occasionally one of the boys. About an hour ago Soryu and Ryohei left and still haven't come back but no matter who I ask they don't answer so I've taken the liberty to go find them myself. 

I've been wandering the halls in hopes of finding them but so far I've found nothing. I was about to turn left and go back to the party until I heard muffled voices coming from a cracked door four doors to the right of me. I know I shouldn't but curiosity got the better of me and I went to stand outside out of sight but where i could hear them clearly. 

It's was surprising to hear them talking about gun and money exchange until I heard Soryu talk then it clicked that it was a mafia transaction. All of a sudden it became really quiet and I assumed they found me. I was proven right as the door swung open revealing a quite muscular bodyguard man holding a gun at my forehead level.

"Now that isn't very nice now is it." I said glaring harshly enough to make the man flinch. 

"Take care of her, Joe." A gray haired man in the back of the room instructed to Joe, the man in front of me.

"No." Soryu's deep authoritative voice resonated over everyone. "Why are you here?" he asked. I was wondering where you went so I came looking and found you." I walked around Joe and walked to Soryu.

"You know her?" the same gray haired man asked. "Yes, she is my fighting and guns instructor. Ay, we are finished so, Ryohei escort her back to the party." "I can go myself so gentlemen excuse me." I knew they weren't finished so I left by myself because i hate meetings like that.

On my way back I got turned around several times and now I'm lost. Up ahead there are two men carrying a small statue away from me. "Hey!" I yelled to get their attention but I startled them instead causing them to drop it and it shattered into thousands of large and tiny fragmented pieces. "I'm so so sorry. I didn't mean to make you drop the statue." I bowed a perfect 90 degrees to them. "How do you plan to fix this with a simple apology?" One of them angrily asked, more demanded.

Before I could do anything both of them charged me, and instead of accidentally ruining my dress or anything else I just played helpless as they grabbed me. The one on my right covered my mouth and nose stopping me from breathing. After almost a minute of not breathing my vision started to fade but right before I completely passed out he let go of my face, but I fell to the ground fading in and out of consciousness. I was faintly aware of being picked up and carried away, then I was hit up side the head knocking me out entirely.

***Eisuke's POV*** 

"Did Ayden find you?" I asked Soryu after he entered the ball room once again.

"Yes but she came back earlier." He said with a hidden confused look.

"I haven't seen her, she's been gone for an hour and a half." I said trying not to raise my voice.

"Calm down, dad. She probably went back to the penthouse, she looked really worn out. We'll see when we go up for the auction, it starts at 11. If we don't find her, we'll go looking." Hotaru said as he walked up behind me. "But it's time to go up." With his words we all walked out of the room to the elevator where we met the others. 

We reached the penthouse but when we entered Ayden was nowhere to be seen. Eisuke where is your daughter!?" Yukari yelled at me. "Calm down Yu, I'm sure she's just fine, she hasn't been outside except to Soryu's place, so she's probably tired of being cooped up. Let her do what she wants for a little bit." I said in a soothing voice but it did nothing to calm her or my worries.

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