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I woke up feeling very warm and comfortable arms around me and a muscular chest under me so I snuggled into the warmth. I heard a husky chuckle, "I see you're awake", and I shot up with a reddened face.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't realize you stayed all night in here. I'm so sorry." I repeatedly apologized to which he laughed even more and I turned even more red.

"It's fine. I had fun sleeping with you." He replied and I turned redder than a tomato.

"I'm going to go change. It's still fairly early and breakfast isn't for another two hours so you can do whatever you want till then. Ja ne!" I held my head down letting my hair cover my red face but he still seen and he walked out laughing with a smile that made me melt. Now I question the feelings I have because I've never had them before. What has this boy done to me in the short week I have known him?

I got out of bed and walked into the adjoined bathroom. I brushed my teeth and hair and then I braided it in a side braid. I changed into black joggers, a red "Badass Bitch From Hell" tank top, and a white cropped hoodie. I walked back into the room and looked at the clock and was angry at it when it said it was only 4:30 in the morning, but I didn't want to go back to sleep. So instead I walked out of the room and to the ball room downstairs. Since no one else appeared to be up and or out of their rooms I decided to plug my phone into the keyboard on the stage and play dance music. As I was about to jump off the stage I noticed a stack of dance clothes with a note in the corner beside the backstage door. I read the note,


These are for you if you happen to find them. I don't know if you dance or not but use these clothes if you want but you don't have to.

        Love your uncle,


     P.S. If you ever need a dance partner just ask.

I shook my head at Baba's letter but just the same I was happy he seemed to pick up on one of my talents. I took the clothes into a backstage dressing room and changed. The clothes included a black leotard, a maroon mid-thigh over skirt, and black grip dance socks. I smiled even more when I noticed he had the right size. After I changed I played the music and started to dance ballet.

After dancing ballet for 30 minutes I decided to move to more fun dance. I turned on 'I'll Be Back' by Da-iCE and performed the choreography perfectly. Alice would always make me dance to the song with her in our free time as it was her favorite. I picked the violin up from its stand and turned to 'Shatter Me' by Lindsey Sterling. I felt kind of rusty at playing so I hooked up the cords to the instrument and played note for note of the song. When I was finished I heard applause echo throughout the ballroom and my head shot up to see Baba and Ryohei walking towards the stage.

"You have a surprising amount of talent for one person." Baba said as he set on the edge of the stage and patted the area beside him for me to set down.

"You two are lucky you know? I don't usually let people see me dance or play any instrument." I said setting down and Ryohei stood in front of the both of us.

"Wouldn't have come if Baba hadn't looked suspicious walking down the hall trying to not make a sound." Ryohei said looking towards the older man beside me. "I decided to come and see if you happened to find the clothes I set for you."

"I did see them because I'm wearing them, but how did you know I danced?" I asked now curious to know if he was a stalker or not.

"Call it dancer's intuition." He said poking his temple. "You asked Luke or Brutus didn't you." I asked for conformation raising a questioning eyebrow. "Yep." He popped the 'p' and smiled and I rolled my eyes with a smirk.

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