New People and Old Faces

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***Ayden's POV***

The ride to the hotel was a very quiet one and that didn't sit quiet right with me but I didn't mind because I started to fall asleep on Ota's shoulder because he was sitting beside me. It didn't feel like I was asleep that long when I was shaken awake and staring at a huge hotel, the Tres Spades.

Just like the hospital and the orphanage, outside was covered with reporters and inside filled with a bunch of people in very sophisticated and formal clothes, suits on the men and beautiful dresses on the women.

"Driver we'll get out here and you drive Soryu and Ayden around the back. Here's the keycard to the back door and we'll meet at the penthouse." Eisuke ordered us giving the card to Soryu, but what if there are reporters at the back? We drove around the building and to my surprise there was no one there.

"Do you need help getting inside?" Soryu asked in a less than caring and cold voice.

"Not unless we go up the stairs. If not then I can make it on my own." I replied then we were off.

We were almost to the elevator when Soryu was surrounded by a lot of girls and I was shoved away. Now unable to make it to the elevator I went to the front desk.

"How may I help you, ma'am?" The lady asked in a sweet tone.

"Yes, I'm Eisuke's guest Hirato Ayden. I have to keep away from the press so he told me to go to the penthouse but I'm blocked from the elevator. I was wondering if you could help me get up another way." I explained as I hoped one of the men would notice me before anyone else did.

"I wasn't informed of any guests of his coming. I'll have to go ask the manager. I'll be back as fast as I can." She said and walked off to get the manager.

Before she got back I felt a big hand on my shoulder. I turned to see Mamoru holding my shoulder. He motioned towards a door that I presumed to be the stairs and I let out an internal groan at the thought of having to climb the many flights of stairs. I looked in the direction of Eisuke and the others to see all four of them surrounded by a hoard of women fawning over them. Eisuke spotted me and nodded at me to go with Mamoru.

We got into the stairwell without being spotted by anyone. We were at least 10 flights up and I was exhausted. Normally I wouldn't be but being laid up in the hospital for a week and doing nothing but sleeping most the time hasn't done me any good.

"Why can't we just get on the elevator on a different floor?" I asked about to sit on the stairs and take a break.

"Because that's the only elevator that goes to the penthouse and you can only get on it in the lobby." He replied walking ahead with me following not so close behind.

"Why not use another elevator up as far as it can go then use the stairs the rest of the way up?"

"Because I have no idea where it is on any of the floors or how high it goes." He replied in an annoyed tone and I groaned loudly as I set down giving up on getting up the many flights of stairs left.

Mamoru came back and kneeled down with his back facing me waiting for me to climb on. "Won't this tire you faster?" "Probably but if I don't then we won't ever make it." I climbed on his back and I could feel how muscular it was hidden under his shirt. No more was said as he started once again up the stairs. Not five minutes later I started to dose off.

"Hey kid, don't go to sleep!" He exclaimed as I yawned and put my head on his shoulder. "Mmm-kay", I mumbled and fell asleep.

***Time skip*** brought to you by Mamoru carrying someone up a lot of freaking stairs.

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