The Candle That Burns

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***Baba's POV***

Eisuke conversed with Mrs. Harris and Yanagi-san about which teen would be the better choice of adoption, as the kitchen was being cleaned by all the children in the orphanage. Ota left to help them after his attempts to help in the decision were all shot down, Soryu just stood looking out the window at the passing cars with his ever bored expression, and I sat in the room across from the living room, which I soon came to learn was the playroom, playing hide and seek with the little ones.

25 minutes into the very intense game Ayden came in with two very sleepy looking 2-year-olds in her arms.

***Ayden's POV***

After the kitchen was clean I sent all the teens to do whatever they wanted but like me, they all went to the playroom to await the verdict. The only ones that hadn't helped clean and weren't here were the girls: Stacy, Yuki, and Yong. I was going to talk to them later about it.

I was pulled from my thoughts when the tall brunette Baba offered to take one of the little ones from me, and I was relieved of the strain on my arms from their weight.

"I see they've taken a liking to you, Mitsunari-san. It takes a lot for them to let a stranger play hide and seek with them." I said with a genuine smile on my face as I looked at the kids who were looking for each other in various hiding places.

"Please just call me Baba," He said, not in a flirtatious way like earlier but in one of a friend. I looked up at him to see him looking down at the toddler in his arms with a caring smile like he knew the joy of raising his own kids.

As the kids started a new game of hide-and-seek I noticed Logan run upstairs and two others run down the hall to hide. "No running in the halls, I don't want any of you to get hurt or for something to fall off the walls!" I yelled with no effect on the actions of the little ones.

***Original POV*** 

Soon after everyone on the first floor was found and all that remained was one hidden child on the second floor and very confused children in the playroom trying to figure out where he could be, two terrified screams were heard throughout the orphanage.

Looking alerted for anything, Ayden handed the second toddler over to Baba and instructed everyone to stay downstairs so she could check it out. "I'll be back down in a jiff." She said with a strained smile as to put everyone at ease. No sooner did she start to the stairs did Yong come barreling down them looking horrified.

"Ayden! Help, please! Logan went to hide in our bathroom and Stacy went to get him, then Yuki went after them, but now they're all trapped!" She yelled frantically terrified for the lives of the three upstairs.

"Okay, calm down and tell me what happened." The older girl said trying to calm her down.

"Logan came running into our room looking for a place to hide so we let him hide in the bathroom cabinets. Then when some of the little ones came running in the hall down here they knocked the candle off the table outside our door and the curtains caught fire. I tried to put it out but it only made it worse. Stacy ran to the bathroom to get Logan but the carpet caught fire and trapped them inside and Yuki tried to get them so I ran down here to get you." She explained as fast as she could, the smell of a burning room now very apparent to everyone.

"Everyone outside now! Baba, Ota please get all the little ones out!" Yelled Ayden as she started up the stairs.

"Where are you going? If you go get them you could die." Stated Ota frantically, terrified for all the children. No sooner than he did Mrs. Harris, Yanagi-san, and the other bidders came in, all looking at her as if she were crazy.

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