The Meeting, Her Hidden Past, and Their Problem

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Ayden got up early the next morning to make the shopping list and clean up the kitchen. She didn't finish last night before she went to bed because Yanagi-san caught her at midnight still cleaning and forced her to go. Only Mrs. Harris knew when the mysterious famous visitors would be there so she wanted to be ready for any time. By 8:30 only 6, the 2 to 4-year-olds, children were still asleep. All the others were in the dining room eating cereal for breakfast.

Breakfast was finished and all the dishes were in the sink being washed by 13-year-old Yuko and 14-year-old Hon.

Ayden finished her list by 9 o'clock and was getting ready to leave to get everything. As she approached the door, she heard 4 sets of 6-year-old feet clambering to get to her.

"Ay-chan take us with you, pwease." They begged as she turned to face the puppy-faced four. Ayden looked up to see Yanagi-san trying to contain her laughter seeing Ayden's flabbergasted look of help. "I need you four to stay here and help make sure everything is spic and span for the visitors, and you have to dress to impress," she told the kids so they would leave Ayden to do her shopping.

"Fine." they all pouted upset they didn't get to go to the grocery store.

"Don't be like that. What if they adopt you guys, you have to look your best." Ayden said and immediately the 6-year-olds ran off laughing about the chance to get adopted. "Thanks, Yanagi-san. I don't know how long it will take, but call if they show up before I'm back." "I will. Just run along and get done as fast as you can." Ayden smiled as she left the orphanage.

The orphanage was a fairly big building. It was a three-story brick building five blocks from the grocery store.

** time skip**

It was 5:00 when Ayden was finished and half a block away from her house when she noticed the black limousine parked out front. But I thought Yanagi-san would call if they got here before me. She thought to herself, as she further approached the door. She knocked to get help because her hands were full.

"I'll get it", she heard an unfamiliar male voice say as two pairs heavy footsteps approached the door.

The door opened and her hands were instantly alleviated from the burden of the 3 heavy paper bags. "Arigato", she thanked as she bowed to the men who helped her. "Don't mention it." The tall sandy brown haired man said in a flirtatious voice, as he walked to the kitchen not letting her see his face.

"Baba don't hit on her. She's too young and it's disturbing to everyone." The tall man with black slicked back hair and steel gray eyes that intimidated her as she looked into them, they looked as if they were critiquing her from head to toe, but she didn't mind it didn't bother her it use to happen all the time. She was used to the harsh treatment and also the flirtation of men she did and didn't know, but for some reason, the black haired man's coldness seemed all too familiar to her.

As Ayden followed the two men to the living room she noticed it was a more calm atmosphere than usual. "Good your back. Ayden let me introduce you to our visitors, then you can go cook." Mrs. Harris said as the girl entered the room. Before the older woman could start the introductions, the four men were all introduced by a younger blonde haired man with brown eyes, pale skin, and was roughly 5'7 by Ayden's guess. "I'm Ota Kisaki, this is Soryu Oh" he gestured to the tall steel-eyed man standing at least 6'0 tall and to his right, "this is Mitsunari Baba", he pointed to the brunette from early, this time she could see his face, he had brown eyes as well but be was slightly darker than Ota, and he was about 2 inches taller than him as well. Lastly, he pointed to a familiar tall chocolate brown haired man with matching eyes, "And finally this is Eisuke Ichinomiya." She noticed they all wore expensive suits.

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