The IVC Party

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The group reached the doors to the party and talking and piano music were heard. They had decided that all would enter and Ayden and Ryohei would be in the back entering a bit after them.

"Ichinomiya-sama, it is always a pleasure to be in your presence." A group of random women surrounded the group as they reached the middle of the room. "Ladies the pleasure is all mine." The men all said in unison to all of them and girly squeals were heard throughout the room.

"Ichinomiya-san you seem to top your parties always." A plump gray haired man greeted the man. "I always have great help", was his reply.

The doors opened and all heads turned. Walking through the doorway was a beautiful couple. She was a goddess, to the men, and he was prince, to the women. The couple stopped by their fathers to which Baba leaned down and whispered, "Spectacular entrance", sending a smirk to all the girls with murderous looks pointed to Ayden.

"May I ask who you might be? Your beauty rivals even the most beautiful deities of the heavens." The plump man said gently holding her hand in an elegant shake.

"You flatter me too much, my most humble of thanks to you." She replied with an endearing smile. "Atsushi-san this is my daughter, Ayden. Ayden, this is the CEO of telecommunications, Atsushi." Eisuke introduced the two and many gasps and sputters sounded at the declaration.

"I knew of your son but a daughter, and her to be so beautiful, I didn't know." Another rich man jumped into the conversation. "It is of a hidden secret now revealed." Hiding the fact the sapphire eyed girl was only adopted. "Either way it is a pleasure meeting you" they said and dispersing into the crowd.

She was then introduced to many wealthy men and women from all over the world in business with Eisuke and Soryu. It was finally time for Ayden and Baba to dance. "May I borrow the Princess?" Baba interrupted their talk with the Minister of defense. At her title many hisses and angered whispers were heard. "Of course" and the two were off to change into dancing clothes.

------- backstage -------
"Relax you'll do fine. Even if we do have technical difficulties and have to change the song." The brown haired man reassured the younger girl. "Yeah, it's just been a long time since I danced in front of so many people." With that Baba fastened one last pin in Ayden's hair leaving it down but pinned out of her face. "Perfect, now let's go show them what our princess can do." He said with a playful smile.

"Ladies and gentlemen the duet dance of the evening. Baba and Ayden, dancing to Skinny Love." After the announcement was made applause was heard and the lights dimmed.

The spotlights on the dance floor flashed on revealing the couple in starting poses and the music started slow.

After the dance was finished even more applause were heard and the two had huge satisfied smiles spread on their faces as they bowed and walked backstage to change once again.

"How about that? You can dance and it was awesome." Commented Shu as all of them came back.

"A little privacy, please." Ayden demanded more than asked from behind the makeshift changing room curtain. "And don't make it sound like I was supposed to be horrible or something."

"Well for all I know you could've been really bad and then you would've been shunned by everyone."

"Now that's a bit dramatic don't you think?" Ota said passing a different dress to the girl to change into.

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